Oregon Energy Star Homes Measure Update New Measure Proposal April 22nd,
Measure background Measure Name: Energy Star Homes BOP1(Ducts Inside, Equipment Upgrade, Envelope), BOP2 Measure Type:UES Measure Category:Proven Measure Sector:Residential Sunset Date:April, 2014 Reason for Update:Update to SEEM94, Calibration, ProCost Template 2
Staff Highlighted Areas None. 3
Measure Summary 4
Measure Update Summary Simulations conducted in SEEM 94 RTF approved new construction calibration applied Expanded list of prototypes from 3 to 5 As per NEEA 2007 New Homes Characterization study, 16 % of homes are built slab on grade. 5
Impact of EISA Lighting Standards Assumption: EISA reduces wattage of baseline incandescent bulbs by an average of 28 %. 60 W bulb 43 W All other calculation details kept constant. As per latest RTF staff analysis, CFLs have no incremental cost. 6
DHW Update Linked saving for tank upgrade and low flow appliance to respective workbooks. Slight increase in savings (approx. 400 500 kWh) Cost remains relatively constant ($ 100) 7
Furnace Fan CFM/ Ton Manufacturer suggested flow rate is 400 cfm/ ton (previous assumption) A 73 % adjustment factor applied to suggested flow rate. NEEA New Homes Characterization study (2007) conducted by RLW. Makes a difference of approximately 100 kWh on an average. 8
Incremental Cost Accounting EUL for new homes is 45 years. Individual measures have EUL < 45 years. The savings and cost for these measures recur after their EUL. This lowers TRC. 9
BOP 1 Equipment Path Energy Savings 10
BOP 1 Equipment Path Incremental Cost 11
BOP 1 Equipment Path TRC 12
BOP 1 Ducts Inside Path Energy Savings 13
BOP 1 Ducts Inside Path Incremental Cost 14
BOP 1 Ducts Inside Path TRC 15
BOP 1 Envelope Path Energy Savings 16
BOP 1 Envelope Path Incremental Cost 17
BOP 1 Envelope Path TRC 18
BOP 2 Energy Savings 19
BOP 2 Incremental Cost 20
BOP 2 TRC 21
Sunset Date Conversations with NW Energy Star, Oregon Building Codes Division indicate that no upcoming code change for at least two years. Federal std for water heaters will necessitate a change in the DHW component (SOURCE) Proposed sunset date: 1 year from now. Staff will update the DHW component. 22
Proposed Decision “I __________ move that the RTF: Approve the three BOP1 (Equipment, Ducts Inside, and Envelope) and BOP2 (Zonal) Energy Star Home Option UES values for all Oregon climate zones, and set the sunset date to April 30,
Washington Energy Star Homes Measure Update New Measure Proposal April 22nd,
Washington 2012 New Construction Code Now Active WA 2012 residential code became active on July WA 2012 energy code has a set of core criteria that a builder must meet and attain 1.5 points from a set of optional criteria. WA 2012 code aims to transform the market by encouraging: Heat Pumps to be the primary electric heating system HVAC systems to be located inside the thermal envelope 25
WA 2012 Baseline Prototypes Analysis done by Ecotope (RTF Meeting, December 2013) used as basis for prototype selection. Baseline prototype selected based on three criterion: Mean Energy Consumption. Low Incremental Cost. Anecdotal evidence from the field. WA Department of Commerce, CleaResult, Ecotope Consulting were consulted in this process. 26
WA 2012 Baseline Prototypes (Contd.) 27
Status of Current Energy Star Specifications Current Energy Star specifications were drafted for the WA 2009 code. WA 2012 residential code in most cases meets, and in some cases exceeds current Energy Star code. Potential for savings via Energy Star as it stands are minimal. NW Energy Star team intends to update the current Energy Star specifications within the next month. Energy Star team will develop reference design homes that would consume at least 12 % less energy than code homes. 28
Staff Proposal Deactivate current WA Energy Star Measures. Staff checked with WA State Dept. of Commerce (Chuck Murray), builders cannot build to 2009 code anymore. Staff will characterize the WA Energy Star Measures once specifications are finalized. 29
Proposed Decision “I __________ move that the RTF: Deactivate all current WA Energy Star New Construction UES measures. 30
Backup Slides Effect of Calibration on Savings 31
BOP 1 – Ducts Inside Path 32
BOP2 - Zonal 33