Television 1 Jess UEAB Picture Tube
Television 1 Jess UEAB Other names CRT cathode ray tube Screen Picture tube Picture bulb
Television 1 Jess UEAB
Materials used Glass Phosphor Stainless plate Steel Iron Tungsten Aluminum
Television 1 Jess UEAB
Television Phosphor number designation P 22 designated for color P 4 for black and white P 7 greenish-yellow light output P 1 CRT for oscilloscope P 11 for photographic application that emit blue light
Television 1 Jess UEAB Worldwide type designation system (WTDS) Type A – for television Type M – monitor AAA-DZZ designation for US tubes EAA-HZZ – European tubes JAA-MZZ – Japanese Tubes X – represent a color picture tube example of WTDS A6AAAOOX
Television 1 Jess UEAB Picture tube length and deflection Angle Length 9 – 25 inches degrees deflection angle 105 degrees horizontal deflection angle
Television 1 Jess UEAB
Picture tube bases
Television 1 Jess UEAB Picture tube parts
Television 1 Jess UEAB
Electrostatic focus
Television 1 Jess UEAB Picture tube PS
Television 1 Jess UEAB Flat picture tube
Television 1 Jess UEAB Porta TV
Television 1 Jess UEAB
Gun Arrangement
Television 1 Jess UEAB
Problem and Symptoms Low picture clarity No picture filament light ok high voltage ok Picture tube face turn to white Black spot on the middle of the picture tube Low phosphor Blurred picture
Television 1 Jess UEAB Tube testing Isolation technique Picture tube tester Variable Filament voltage supply Observation and analysis Second opinion
Television 1 Jess UEAB Picture Tube Replacement Cost effectiveness Availability Substitution (use tube manual) Picture tube size Brand Model number or serial numbers Structure and mounting Make or production code
Television 1 Jess UEAB