Who was Lee Harvey Oswald? Click on photo
Solving the Great American Murder Mystery! November 2003 Why is there doubt?doubt? Abraham Zapruder film
Google Earth Dealey PlazaPart 2 # 10 Only a Movie-3 shots 2003 ABC News Poll Conspiracy:70% Lone Gunman: 22% Oswald not involved: 7% 1993 Conspiracy:81% ure=related Jack Ruby shoots Lee Harvey Oswald
Legacy of Suspicion Mark Lane: Rush to Judgement Oswald the Expatriate from Russia, 1959 Castro aware we were trying to eliminate him. Ortsac Crossfire by Marrs Jack Ruby: Mafia Movie JFK by Oliver Stone 1991
7 Major Challenges to the Warren Commission Report Single Bullet Theory Improper Alignment Hole in the Shirt Exit or Entry Wound Pristine Bullet Timing Factor Head Shot
Direction of the Shots
Clint Hill behind Mrs. Kennedy
Robert Croft photograph of the presidential limousine, showing the position of the president’s coat shortly before the first hit. Robert Croft photograph of the presidential limousine, showing the position of the president’s coat shortly before the first hit.
The Actions of a Guilty Man Oswald requested a ride from Wesley Frazier on Thursday Nov.21 Replies “no” to needing a ride on Friday, Nov. 22 Wedding ring and $170 with Marina.
Actions of a Guilty Man Fled the scene of the shooting, retrieves his pistol and shoots a police officer. Refused to give police his name when arrested. Refused to take a lie detector test. Marina: “I could see by his eyes that he was guilty.” Robert: “Brother, you won’t find anything there.”
Rifle in the Building Rifle in blanket of Paine’s garage missing. Told Frazier he had curtain rods in brown package. Frazier saw Oswald hurriedly carry brown bag into work.
Rifle in the Building Brown paper bag found on 6 th floor. Oswald’s finger and palm print on the bag. Fibers in bag matched blanket in Paine’ garage.
The Assassin and Weapons Mannlicher-Carcano 6.5 found on 6 th floor can be traced to Oswald(records match handwriting) 3 shell casings found near window, match MC rifle. Bullet fragments and pristine bullet fired from MC rifle. Oswald’s palm print on rifle stock under barrel Fibers on butt plate of rifle match his shirt
The Assassin and the Weapons Arrested with a.38 caliber pistol(Tippet) Photo of Oswald taken by Marina shown holding a rifle and pistol Bullet fragments and shell casings recovered match.38 caliber found on Oswald.
Oswald at the Window Employee Givens went back for cigarettes to 6 th floor saw and talked to Oswald at 11:55 Oswald’s palm prints on cartons at window. Oswald’s clipboard with 3 incomplete orders found on 6 th floor Witnesses saw man with rifle in 6 th floor window Oswald only 1 of 16 employees to leave the building. (12:33pm) Forensic evidence clip
Killing of J.D. Tippit 2 witnesses identify Oswald at the shooting. 7 others at various points along the way to and in the theatre. Oswald’s jacket is found on path of flight of suspect fleeing murder scene. Oswald arrested in theatre with gun as he resists. Strikes officer in the face and draws his revolver. “Well it’s over now.”
General Edwin Walker Assassination Attempt April 6, 1963 Oswald is fired from his job at the photo lab. No one knows where he spends his days. Marina says he spent a few evenings shooting target practice. April 10 A single shot is fired through the window of Ret. General Walker's study, just missing him. Oswald does not return home that night until about 11:30. According to Marina, "Lee came in -- white, covered with sweat, and looking quite wild in the eyes. And he said, 'I shot Walker.'"
It’s Not what you think: Transfer had been announced for 10:00am At Western Union Office 11:17 Why wasn’t Ruby at the police station earlier? Oswald changed shirts at the last minute? Shoots Oswald 11:21 Took his dog Sheba with him “I thought I would be a hero, I guess I screwed up.” Jack Ruby shoots Oswald as Detective James Leavelle, handcuffed to Oswald, looks on.
It’s Not what you think: Asked for and passed a polygraph test Did you know Oswald before Nov. 22, 1963? A: No Did you assist Oswald in the assassination? A: No Did you shoot Oswald in order to silence him? A: No Is everything you told the Warren Commission the entire truth? A: Yes Did any foreign influence cause you to shoot Oswald? A: No Did you shoot Oswald because of the influence of the underworld? A: No Did you shoot Oswald in order to save Mrs. Kennedy the ordeal of a trial? A: Yes Did you know the Tippet that was killed? A: No
It’s Not what you think: Once you rule out Ruby, must rule out the Mafia. Why would he try to kill General Walker months before and risk being caught. Hit man chain. Oswald’s death helped solve the case! Gave us hear-say evidence. 1. Marina talked to police and Warren Commission 2. Told them about General Walker attempt 3. Told them about the ring and $ Told them about the backyard photos
It’s Not what you think: Why risk nuclear war to replace a young hardliner with an old one? Did they expect Johnson to be better? Khrushchev was trying to make peace with Kennedy, not kill him. KGB thought Oswald was an American agent; opened his mail, bugged his apartment. Files describe him as mentally unstable and had no use for him. Russian leaders and people acted with great shock and grief upon the news of JFK’s death: 1. Bells tolled in mourning and radio station broadcast tributes. 2. Premier and Mrs. Khrushchev sent personal messages of condolence to Mrs. Kennedy. 3. Foreign Minister Gromyko had tears in his eyes Why would they contract a man as unstable as Oswald?
It’s Not what you think: Top officials were more concerned with safeguarding their own agendas than disclosing all relevant facts. Hoover wanted to solve the crime quickly and to his credit. CIA secretly trying to kill Fidel Castro. Public could not learn they had information on Oswald and didn’t act on it. Keep it covered since 1963? Someone would have talked! To prove a conspiracy would make one rich and heroic. WC reputations on the line. Warren Commission distinguished and highly viewed men. Would they risk ruining their careers to cover up the killing of the president? They liked Kennedy! Can only have 1 conspiracy. All other theories become $%&* J.Edgar Hoover Lana Del Rey: National Anthem Video