Panoramic near-Infrared Astronomy A first look at the UKIDSS data Steve Warren UKIDSS Survey Scientist with Steve Weatherley (Deteca Ltd), Paul Hewett (Cambridge) 1.UKIDSS design 2.First data 3.Survey timetable 4.Summary
Panoramic near-Infrared Astronomy 1. UKIDSS design 4x2048x2048 Hawaii II arrays 0.4 arcsec pixels 0.21 sq.degs / exposure 2x2 microstep to sample 2x2 macrostep to tile Filters: Z,Y,J,H,K,H 2 -S(1),Br-g 1 deg 2 K=19.5 / hr (5sig)
Panoramic near-Infrared Astronomy 1. UKIDSS design Near-infrared explores the cool, the dust-obscured, and the high-redshift universe
Panoramic near-Infrared Astronomy 1. UKIDSS design 5 elements of UKIDSS Large Area SurveyLASYJHK18.4K4000 s.d.262nExGal Deep Extragalactic SurveyDXSJK ExGal Ultra Deep SurveyUDSJHK ExGal Galactic Plane SurveyGPSJHK Gal Galactic Clusters SurveyGCSZYJHK Gal
Panoramic near-Infrared Astronomy 1. UKIDSS design Large Area SurveySDSS near-ir photom, Y dwarfs, z=7 quasars Deep Extragalactic SurveyMultiwavelength fields, the Universe at 1<z<1.5, FMOS spec Ultra Deep SurveyMultiwavelength field SXDS, the Universe at z=3 Galactic Plane SurveyGalactic-plane atlas -5<b<+5 Galactic Clusters SurveyUniversality of the stellar IMF
Panoramic near-Infrared Astronomy Hewett, Warren, Leggett, Hodgkin, 2006, MNRAS, submitted, `The UKIDSS ZYJHK photometric system’ M L T (Y) Jup SDSS, 2MASS limit T=700K T(K) > ? (? ) 150
Panoramic near-Infrared Astronomy 1. UKIDSS design ESO public survey 1000 nights UKIRT over 7yrs UKIDSS = 100 X 2MASS near-ir SDSS began 2005 May 13 surveyP/P 2MASS V/V 2MASS LAS297.0 GPS407.2 GCS183.7 DXS312.2 UDS350.8 total
Panoramic near-Infrared Astronomy 1. UKIDSS design Project structure: 4 separate elements 1. WFCAM Built by ATC for JAC UKIRT facility instrument 2. Pipeline Built at Cambridge (CASU, Mike Irwin) Operates on all WFCAM PATT progs Responsible for calibration 3. Archive Built at Edinburgh (WFAU, Nigel Hambly) Archives all WFCAM data, with special status for UKIDSS 4. UKIDSS Designs and obtains approval for surveys Science input to pipeline and archive design Undertakes the observing, with JAC Science verification Forum for science exploitation No proprietary access
Panoramic near-Infrared Astronomy 2. First data 2MASS
Panoramic near-Infrared Astronomy 2. First data
Panoramic near-Infrared Astronomy 2. First data BandTarget depth 40s Vega 5sigma Achieved depth 40s Vega 5sigma K /-0.29 H /-0.18 J /-0.20 Y /-0.28 Z20.25+/-0.26
Panoramic near-Infrared Astronomy 2. First data: GCS (Lodieu, Deacon), GPS IC4665, 6.5deg 2 M17 2MASS UKIDSS extinction map (Hoare, Gaspar)
Panoramic near-Infrared Astronomy 2. First data: DXS (Edge) Partial stack ELAIS-N1 Eduardo Gonzales-Solares
Panoramic near-Infrared Astronomy 2. First data: DXS (Edge) Match to SWIRE data Eduardo Gonzales-Solares
Panoramic near-Infrared Astronomy 2. First data: UDS (Almaini) 50 arcmin K=23 K=20.8
Panoramic near-Infrared Astronomy 2. First data: LAS SDSS redshift distribution Warren, Hewett, and Foltz, 2000 UKIDSS SV 10 deg 2 Large KX survey, K<16, unbiased by intrinsic or intervening obscuration
Panoramic near-Infrared Astronomy 2. First data: LAS SDSS limit z=6.4
Panoramic near-Infrared Astronomy 3. Survey timetable 2005 Dec: end SV 2006 Jan 31: DR1 to ESO 2006 Jun 1: DR2 to ESO? 2006 Nov: renewal proposal to UKIRT Board 2007 Jun 31: DR1 to world 2007 Mar 31: end 2-yr plan observations 2012 completion
Panoramic near-Infrared Astronomy 4. Summary WFCAM is the world’s best near-ir survey camera WFCAM pipeline and archive are producing science quality data UKIDSS design depths achieved in JHK, 0.4mag. short in Y 10% of UKIDSS has been observed 3% of UKIDSS (=3X2MASS) will be released 2006 Jan 31