Tragedy in Dallas - Assassination In the fall of 1963, public opinion polls showed that Kennedy was losing popularity because of his advocacy of civil rights. On November 22, 1963, President and Mrs. Kennedy went to Texas to mend political fences with members of the state’s Democratic Party.
Crowds lined the streets of Dallas to greet the President. In front of them sat Texas Governor John Connally and his wife Nellie.
As the car approached a state building known as the Texas State Book Depository, rifle shots rang out.
Kennedy was shot in the head. His car raced to a nearby hospital, where doctors frantically tried to revive him, but it was too late. President Kennedy was dead.
In 1963, the Warren Commission investigated and concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald had shot the president while acting on his own.
On Sunday, Nov. 24, as millions watched live television coverage of Oswald being transferred between jails, a nightclub owner named Jack Ruby broke through the crowd and shot and killed Oswald.
The Warren Commission Stated that Kennedy was killed by 3 shots fired from the Texas School Book Depository Building. This seemed pretty convincing, until the appearance of the ‘Zapruder Film’. This source gives the most graphic visual account of the murder. It has also enabled sound analysts to work out the timings of the shots. The appearance of the Zapruder film called into question many of the assumptions of the Warren Commission. What were these, and, has the Zapruder film been misinterpreted – does it largely support the case for a conspiracy, or, does it point to a ‘lone gunman’? The USA government, through the Warren Commission, says JFK's assassination was planned and carried out by one man, acting alone, who fired three bullets of which the second one missed and hit a curb, the third one fatally hit JFK in the back of the head, and the first has come to be known as: The Magic Bullet.
The Magic Bullet was fired from the far east-end window of the 6th floor of the Texas School Book Depository building, entered JFK's back; exited from his throat; entered Connally's back; exited his chest near the right nipple; went through his right wrist shattering the radius bone; entered his left leg embedding itself in his thigh bone*, then dropped out later, in pristine condition, on his stretcher in Parkland Hospital. synopsis of the Sep 27, 1964 Warren Report
(B1) Key: (A) Sixth Floor Window (rifle and cartridge cases found here); (B) Wooden Fence on Grassy Knoll where witnesses saw a "puff of smoke". Position of the presidential limousine: (a) position where view of Kennedy from Texas Book Depository is obscured by tree; (b) position at the time of Kennedy's reaction to first shot; (c) position at time of Governor Connally's reaction to a shot; (d) position of Kennedy's car at the time of the fatal head shot.
If you don’t want to see the damage done to Kennedy by the last bullet…close your eyes.
So Who Killed Kennedy Here are 7 theories….
The Three Tramps
Cuban Exiles
Cord Meyer
The Mafia
Lyndon B Johnson
Decoy Casket