Welcome to Warren County Extension Value Added Mini- Workshop Putting more money in your pocket! Presented by Sean Scanlon
Workshop Objectives Differentiate value added using examples for beef cattle Distinguish between value added and commodity based production Develop two options to add value based upon your resource base
Why add value? From producers point of view: Support a 2 nd generation or new generation on farm Buffer weather and price risks Better utilization of people, land, other resources Income stream diversification From the consumers point of view: Wholesome perception Safe food product Tie to the food and people who produced it!
What does more money in my pocket look like? In 2007 PA ranked #3 for dollar value of direct sales to consumers by USDA NASS Census of Agriculture. Farmers share of the consumer dollar has been cut in half since 1950! From 40% to 20% or less! More money in your pocket looks like a bigger slice of the 80% that processors capture. It looks like $2/.lb instead of a $1 by simply adding value and doubling our share of the consumer dollar!
Agriculture Entrepreneurs Adding Value
Where do we start exploring value added opportunities? Penn State Extension Service Trail blazers Model operators Friends/Relatives Publications, Internet
Major market target audiences:
Value added consumer driven opportunities – Show me the money! Sell beef, bison, pork, chicken, lamb, goat, etc. by the quarter, half, or whole carcass. Beef at $3 a pound sold to neighbors is double the money in stockyard average and total dollars generated! Where else can you add value that doubles your money? Hang and dry ageing beef more than doubles the money from direct marketing your beef. That’s $6 or more than what you might get on a good day at the stockyard! Market as grass-fed beef to appeal to health conscious
Community Resource People Extension specialist Local producer, chef, farmers market owner, butcher. Podcast, Skype, Adobe Connect, etc. …Build the network!
Did we hit the target? Objectives: Differentiate value added using examples for beef cattle Distinguish between value added and commodity based production Develop two options to add value based upon your resource base
Workshop Evaluation Learner Satisfaction Survey Preferred follow up via , snail mail, twitter, fb, face- to-face Door Prizes! White Elephant!