1. The Questions What causes people to protest or want change? Does technology assist in a reform or revolution? If so, how? To answer these questions, you must understand what makes people so unhappy that they are willing to risk their lives for change. You must understand the political, social, and economic pressures that make a society and culture ripe for change. You must also reflect on your previous reading from Ch Next © 2011 Mrs. Oehler, Earl Warren Middle School Egypt’s Revolution By Ollie Adams Martin Luther posted his 95 theses on the door of the Wittenberg church in Germany.
Information Sources Next © 2011 Mrs. Oehler, Earl Warren Middle School Above: Demonstrators in Cairo, Egypt demand the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak and calling for reforms on January 25, 2011 [AFP] st/ html Protests in Egypt. Photo by Don Russell Read the following website to gain a basic understanding of the revolution in Egypt. You don’t need to click on any of the links, just read through the first page. Make sure you read the timeline: gypt-revolution-2011_n_ html 2. Then read the following article about Afghanistan: rab-revolutions-inspire-afghan-youth
3. The Student Activity Next © 2011 Mrs. Oehler, Earl Warren Middle School Similarities between protests and outcomes Protestant Reformation First, read the article “Arab Revolutions Inspire Afghan Youth.” As you read, look for similarities and differences between the Middle East and North Africa protests and the Protestant Reformation (Ch 12 from textbook). Think about what motivated the people to protest. Pay close attention to the technology used today. Think about how it compares to the technology used during the Renaissance in Europe. Also, compare the outcomes of each protest.Arab Revolutions Inspire Afghan Youth Middle East/ North Africa Protests Facts only relating to Middle East/North Africa Facts only relating to Europe during Renaissance
4. The Assessment Activity Write a short summary that describes the many factors which cause people to want reform. Also, include how technology assists in reform. Make sure you provide specific examples from the article and your textbook. Your summary should also reflect on similarities of the outcomes of Egypt’s revolution and the Protestant Reformation. How is democracy created? The summary should contain a clear topic sentence at the beginning and a clear conclusion sentence that connects to one of the Big Ideas.Big Ideas Next © 2011 Mrs. Oehler, Earl Warren Middle School
5. Enrichment Activities The following are excellent websites about Egypt's Revolution: Videos of Egyptian Revolution Pictures of Egypt's Revolution Video of 8 yr. old giving President Mubarak advice Sites about the Protestant Reformation Wikipedia and The Reformation and Art Religious Cartoons 95 Theses Many topics on the Reformation Protestant Reformation, Scientific Revolution, etc. YouTubes Reformation Polka Marin Luther (Manic Monday, Bangles) Spanish Inquisition Henry VIII (ABBA) Origins of the Thirty Year's War Alternate History: What if there hadn’t been a 30 Years War? Turning Points in History-Age of Exploration Turning Points in History--Scientific Revolution Next © 2011 Mrs. Oehler, Earl Warren Middle School
6. Teacher Support Materials Social Science 7 th Grade World History Standards Describe the growth and effects of new ways of disseminating information (e.g., the ability to manufacture paper, translation of the Bible into the vernacular, printing) List the causes for the internal turmoil in and weakening of the Catholic church (e.g., tax policies, selling of indulgences) Describe the theological, political, and economic ideas of the major figures during the Reformation (e.g., Desiderius Erasmus, Martin Luther, John Calvin, William Tyndale) Explain Protestants’ new practices of church self-government and the influence of those practices on the development of democratic practices and ideas of federalism Explain how the main ideas of the Enlightenment can be traced back to such movements as the Renaissance, the Reformation, and the Scientific Revolution and to the Greeks, Romans, and Christianity. English-Language Arts 7 th Grade Standards 2.5 Write summaries of reading materials: a. Include the main ideas and most significant details. b. Use the student’s own words, except for quotations. c. Reflect underlying meaning, not just the superficial details © 2011 Mrs. Oehler, Earl Warren Middle School