JFK and LBJ Vocab Chapter 21
Fidel Castro Revolutionary leader of the communist takeover in Cuba.
Flexible Response Defense policy allowing for the appropriate action in any size or type of conflict.
Peace Corps Organization that sends volunteers to provide technical, educational, and medical services in developing nations.
Alliance for Progress JFK’s program to give economic aid to Latin American countries.
Bay of Pigs Invasion (1961) Failed invasion of Cuba by a CIA led force of Cuban exiles.
Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) Conflict between the US and the USSR resulting from the Soviet installation of nukes in Cuba.
Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (1963) Nuclear weapons agreement, which banned above ground nuke testing.
New Frontier JFKs Domestic agenda Focused on improving the economy, education, healthcare, and civil rights.
Space Race Competition between the US and the USSR to develop space technology (satellites, landing on the moon, etc…)
Warren Commission Conducted the “official” investigation into JFKs assassination. Concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated the President, working alone.
Great Society LBJs domestic agenda. Focused on improving health care, education, the environment, civil rights, and poverty.
War on Poverty LBJs programs aimed at aiding the country’s poor through education, job training, proper health care, and nutrition.
Medicare/ Medicaid Provided low cost health insurance for recipiants of Social Security (Americans over the age of 65). Provided low cost to poor or disabled Americans who were not eligible for Social Security benefits.
Warren Court Supreme Court under Chief Justice Earl Warren. Often called the most liberal in American History. Supported civil rights, civil liberties, voting rights, and personal privacy.