THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, AS TO ACCURACY, COMPLETENESS, OR RESULTS OBTAINED FROM ANY INFORMATION DISCUSSED DURING HAWKTRADE MEETINGS. Past performance does not guarantee future results. Investment returns and principal value will fluctuate, so that investors' shares, when sold, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Investing in any financial instruments does not guarantee that an investor will make money, avoid losing capital, or indicate that the investment is risk-free. There are no absolute guarantees in investing. HAWKTRADE and its members do not bear any responsibility for losses or gains made by members trading on their personal accounts based on analysis from HAWKTRADE meetings.
We meet every Sunday at 7:15PM – 8:15PM at W151 in PBB Membership Dues: $25/semester Food/Drinks every meeting Investment information and education Great trading tips and strategies Investment Competition: $15/semester Best way to gain experience and learn Past prizes include iPads, Apple TVs, gift cards Fun Discussion atmosphere, member involvement
Roughly 8 members who have an interest in expanding their knowledge of capital markets Responsible for following one economic sector and presenting to the club Great resume experience Will write for the HawkTrade blog on the Motley Fool (
Ye Guo – Chinese stocks Katherine Doll – Healthcare Greg Frommelt – Industrials Edward Bellay – Energy Aaron Morse – Generalist Ryan Wettengel – Technology Nicholas Sulentic – Generalist Xiwen Liu – Chinese Stocks
Platform: Wall Street Survivor League: HawkTrade Competition Link: wkTradeCompetition wkTradeCompetition $15 fee to join Ability to win great prizes!!!
League Settings: Start Date: 9/15/2014 End Date: 12/ 05/2014 Portfolio Size: $100,000 Maximum Trade Position: 25% Able to trade derivatives and options If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, contact me: daniel-
1 st : Robert Poe - IFON -Infosonics Corp % 2 nd : Zhixiang Zhang – VRTB -Vestin Reality Mortgage %
The strategy of selecting stocks that trade for less than their intrinsic values. Value investors actively seek stocks of companies that they believe the market has undervalued. They believe the market overreacts to good and bad news, resulting in stock price movements that do not correspond with the company's long- term fundamentals. The result is an opportunity for value investors to profit by buying when the price is deflated.
The actual or perceived value of a company or asset based on a valuation technique that tries to incorporated the entire value of the business’s assets (tangible or intangible).perceived Important to remember that intrinsic value is subjective.
Dividend Discount Model Discounted Cash Flows Model
Value investors look for a company that is undervalued in their eyes. Driving factor of intrinsic value is future earnings. Often times, value investors look for companies who they believe in the product or service they provide.
Warren Buffet is the most famous value investor. Warren Buffet Forward looking to the durable competitive advantage the company has. High dividend yield and low debt. Strong FCF generation.
Timing the market is difficult! Value investing is based on the premise of investing at a discount, but that doesn’t mean you need to time the market perfectly.
Investing a designated dollar amount at different times in the same security. Allows for lower average cost to own. Hedge against possible volatility in stock price.
Weak Form – all historical price information is incorporated in the stock’s price Semi-Strong Form – all public news and price information is incorporated into the stock’ price Strong Form – all public news, price information, and insider information is reflected in the stock’s price
As Warren Buffet always says, “Invest in what you know.” Do not try to time the stock, if you believe in the value the company provides, invest in it. Develop an opinion and defend it. Value investing is typically meant to be long- term.
An important leading indicator on the state of the health of the economy One of the 10 components of The Conference Board Leading Economic Index Actual: 293,000 Forecasted: 300,000 Previous: 281,000 Hovering around 8 year lows
economy-jobless-claims-durable-goods- orders-rise- _3IfYmTMTqqVMNdSBL6Ysw.html
Durable Goods A category of consumer goods that do not have to be purchased frequently. Actual: -18.2% Forecasted: -17.3% Previous: 22.5% Due mostly to volatile orders in the transportation sector
Cited as a key factor holding back housing recovery 13.7% of those who began repayment in FY2011 have defaulted after three years Full percentage lower than last year Default rate for FY2007 was 11.8%
Housing Market Weak numbers in existing home sales Actual: 5.05 million Forecasted: 5.20 million Previous: 5.13 million Home prices rose.7% month over month and 7.3% year over year
Known as the “Bond King” Bill Gross left PIMCO, the firm he founded for Janus Capital He managed the Total Return Fund, which had large position in US Treasuries 10 year Treasury yields rose 3 basis points to 2.53%
Net loss narrowed to 2 cents per share Due to cost restructuring and stabilizing phone sales Focusing in their professional models, with a great emphasis on data security 2.4 million in phone shipments compared to 1.6 million in the previous quarter The future of the company lies in selling devices and software to corporations