Mu2e Solenoid System Status
Mu2e Experiment 9/23/20132 Production Solenoid Transport Solenoid Detector Solenoid Production Target Collimators Stopping Target TrackerCalorimeter (not shown: Cosmic Ray Veto, Proton Dump, Muon Dump, Proton/Neutron absorbers, Extinction Monitor, Stopping Monitor) 2.5T ~5T 2.0T ee
Solenoid Organization M. Lamm - Solenoid Progress37/17/ – Mu2e Solenoids Project Management Michael Lamm - L2 Project Manager Tom Page – L2 Project Engineer Project Management Michael Lamm - L2 Project Manager Tom Page – L2 Project Engineer Production Solenoid Vadim Kashikhin, N. Andreev, N. Dhanaraj Production Solenoid Vadim Kashikhin, N. Andreev, N. Dhanaraj Magnet Power System Steve Hays Magnet Power System Steve Hays Transport Solenoids Giorgio Ambrosio, M. Lopes (D), D. Evbota, R. Wands, S. Cheban, T. Nicols Transport Solenoids Giorgio Ambrosio, M. Lopes (D), D. Evbota, R. Wands, S. Cheban, T. Nicols Magnet Quench Protection and Monitoring System Darryl Orris, J. Nogiec, Warren Shappert Magnet Quench Protection and Monitoring System Darryl Orris, J. Nogiec, Warren Shappert 4.04 – Detector Solenoid S. Feher, M. Buehler (D), A. Andreev, M.Lopes, R,. Ostojic, Z. Tang, R, Wands, Nandhini Dhanaraj 4.04 – Detector Solenoid S. Feher, M. Buehler (D), A. Andreev, M.Lopes, R,. Ostojic, Z. Tang, R, Wands, Nandhini Dhanaraj Magnetic Field Mapping System M. Tartaglia, M. Buehler, D. Kawall, J. Tompkins Magnetic Field Mapping System M. Tartaglia, M. Buehler, D. Kawall, J. Tompkins Ancillary Equipment (Tom Page) Ancillary Equipment (Tom Page) 4.05 – Cryogenic Distribution Tom Peterson, J. Brandt, S. Cheban, Nandhini Dhanaraj, A. Martinez 4.05 – Cryogenic Distribution Tom Peterson, J. Brandt, S. Cheban, Nandhini Dhanaraj, A. Martinez System Integration, Installation and Commissioning Jeff Brandt (Tom Page) System Integration, Installation and Commissioning Jeff Brandt (Tom Page) Vito Lombardo: Engineering oversight and coordination of superconductor acquisition and QA/QC
Mu2e Solenoid System 07/18/20134 PS : 3 coils TS: 52 coils 3 straight sections 2 curved sections DS: 11 Coils No positive gradients allowed on the straight sections! PS DS TSu TSd
Preliminary Design PS 9/23/20135
Preliminary Design DS 9/23/20136
Mechanical Supports for TS 9/23/20137
Tolerance studies 9/23/20138 R = ± 10 mm
Toshiba demonstration coil 9/23/20139 Fabricated at Toshiba 2012 Shipped to Fermilab in December Indirect Cooling at Fermilab
TS Prototype 9/23/ Collaboration with INFN/Genoa - ASG
TS Conductor 9/23/ target I c (4.2K,5T)=494A All samples exceeded specifications Very good agreement between measurements collected at Fermilab and Hitachi. The complete set of cold and warm measurements (not fully reported here, including wire diameter, ovality, cu-SC ratio, twist pitch, critical current, n-Value, RRR, filament diameter and spacing, sharp bend test…) was performed in-house on each length and internally reviewed before accepting the wire.
Schedule Prototype lengths of the SC delivered by October-December 2013 TS Prototype finalized by March 2014 The bid process for the larger solenoids by the end of /23/201312