My future job By Danny Wayne Warren
My Jobs Veterinarian, Football player, ootball playerootball player Coach, Coach
Most vets need a Bachelor’s degree
Veterinary You have to help animals
Veterinarian All Veterinarians need to go college All Veterinarians need to go college
Veterinarian Veterinarians take a test Veterinarians take a test
Veterinarian Between $49,050 and $85,770 in 2002 Between $49,050 and $85,770 in 2002
Veterinarian Vets often work long hours Vets often work long hours
Veterinarian Veterinarians are expected to have very good opportunities in the future
football player High school and some college
Football player Practice a lot and play a lot
Football Player 10 percent earned $145,600
Football Player 40 work hours
Football Player
There should competition in getting the job
Coach Varies… most need a college degree
Coach Coach a lot and try to help the players
Coach Between $17,890 and $42,250 a year
Coach More then 40 hours a week
Coach It is expected to grow