God’s Wisdom For Our World GOD’S WISDOM IN MARRIAGE “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her” (Ephesians 5:25).
Agape (25a) This is God’s word for love (1 Corinthians 13). It means benevolent good will toward others. “I will always do what is best for you; I will do what is right for you.”
Sacrifice (25b) “... and gave Himself up for her.” No one can possibly get their way all the time, nor should they. This is not a 50-50% relationship, but a % relationship.
Purity (26-27) “... that He might sanctify her.” “Thou shalt not commit agriculture.” God’s ideal plan: one man, for one woman, for life (Matthew 5:32; 19:4-9).
Compassion (28-30) He cares for her. He communicates with her. He cherishes her, and she does him.
Lifelong (31-33) Marriage is God’s way of leaving, cleaving, and weaving two lives into one grand adventure. “... for as long as we both shall live.” “He could never do enough for her; his devotion knew no limits.”
“Marriage is for those who love God – and each other.” Thomas B. Warren