Oregon’s disinvestment in education is negatively impacting our economy and threatening our future It’s Time to Reinvest in Education
Education’s Share of the State Budget * based on Governor’s Recommended Budget. **Total Education includes K-12, community colleges, higher education, and all other education. Source: Oregon Legislative Fiscal Office.
Education spending has fallen short Source: Oregon Legislative Fiscal Office.
It’s time to reinvest in Education Source: Oregon Legislative Fiscal Office. Tentative proposal of COSA and its education partners, including OEA, OSBA, OSSA and others.
Investment needed meet higher standards * as of March ** K-12 SSF based on Governor’s Recommended Budget. Sources: Oregon LFO and QEC/QEM reports.
School jobs lost, impact on class sizes
Oregon school spending drops to 29th Source: National Center for Education Statistics
Adjusted for inflation, Oregon spends far less Inflation-Adjusted Formula Revenue per Average Daily Membership (ADMr), using Oregon Education Sector Price Index. *First year of Measure 5 **Preliminary ***Forecast ****Estimated Source: Oregon Department of Education.