Transformation National Guard Principles Mission #1: Secure and defend our homeland here and abroad We are an institution of people... soldiers, airmen,


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Presentation transcript:


National Guard Principles Mission #1: Secure and defend our homeland here and abroad We are an institution of people... soldiers, airmen, families and employers Transform as we operate Organize, train, equip and resource National Guard units like their active component counterparts Remain essential – the Constitutionally ratified, community-based, dual-missioned citizen militia (Art. 1, Sec. 8, Cls. 15 & 16 US Const.) Do what is right for America

Roles & Missions Constitutional Militia Federal Reserve Domestic Mission State Mission Homeland Security Homeland Defense Warfight 1636 to Present Warfight Homeland defense Homeland security State mission Domestic mission 1903 to 2001 Warfight (Dick Act) 2001 to Date Warfight Homeland defense Army National Guard

Commitment to States Provide sufficient capabilities under state control Ensure appropriate capabilities/unit mix Provide a more predictable model for operational rotations

Nationwide, rebalance and leverage Army Guard formations for the Warfight, Homeland Defense and support to Homeland Security operations Convert units no longer required through technological advances or strategic and tactical needs Reduce Force Structure, while maintaining End Strength, to increase Readiness Transform into modular or “plug and play,” capabilities-based forces capable of seamlessly integrating with other Army formations in joint and combined expeditionary and campaign operations ARNG Transformation

Strategic ReserveOperational Force Active Service Draft Ample time for buildup Time-phased, overseas fight Threat-based force Linear formations Symmetric threats Single service/component Volunteer/Recruited Force No/limited notice Any time/any where Capabilities-based force Modular units Asymmetric threats Joint/multi-component/multinational Transformation Imperatives Minuteman values and missions transcend time (Dick Act) 2001 Constitutional Militia = Operational Force since 1636 Federal Role = Strategic Reserve ( ), but is since transforming

Full Spectrum Availability Model & Goals Approximately 50% of the National Guard force will remain available to the Governor for State missions and Homeland Defense/ Security missions Approximately 25% is in intensive training preparing to deploy 25% (+/-) of force is currently deployed and not available 25% Mobilized & Deployed Forces 50% Homeland Defense Homeland Security Enhanced Pool Intensive Training Getting Ready 25% 9 to 18 Months 48 to 60 Months 3 to 24 Months The model’s goal is 1 Army Guard Rotation Every Six Years

50% (+/-) Homeland Defense Homeland Security MACA MSCA MSLEA Enhanced Pool Intensive Training Getting Ready 25% (+/-) Mobilized & Deployed Forces Title 32 Responsibilities On Scene in 4 to 24 Hours Generating Force and Institutional Army/Air Force Home Land Security & Depth (NBC, Transportation, Base/Military Police, Engineers, Medical, Airlift, Aviation, etc.) RC/AC (Homeland Security/Homeland Defense) RC CS/CSS CS CSS Joint and Expeditionary Capabilities Deploys within 72 Hrs/30 Days 72 Hrs/30 Days AC/RC Depth GSU Flying CS CSS AC CS/CSS Months 48 to 60 Months 3 to 24 Months 9 to 24 Full Spectrum Force SET RE-SET Mobilize Demob Alert Standing Joint Force HQ (C4ISR and RSOI) Civil Support Teams Maintenance Aviation Engineer (Urban Search & Rescue) Medical (Mass Decon) Communications Transportation Security

Force Structure Growth –Military Police –Information Operations –Military Intelligence (particularly linguists) Conversion –Field Artillery –Heavy formations

OPTEMPO $ F-T Support Equipment Retain resourcing level Reinvest FTS in remaining force Reinvest OPTEMPO $ in force Redistribute Equipment Readiness Increases… Resourced Structure MTOE/TDA 342K 350K FS ES FS/ES Imbalance FSA 388K FSA 342K 8K Auth TTHS-like Structure ES 350K 38K ES 350K

Transformation to Modularity Close Air Support Joint Fires Combined Arms Armed Recon Combined Arms FiresIntelEngineer Signal Chemical MP/Security Logistics Aviation UA Sustain UA Strike UA Security UA UE X Close Air Support Joint Fires Armor Brigade Mechanized Brigade Armor Brigade Engineers Intelligence Military Police Field Artillery Aviation Logistics Support Division Troops Division Cav (Recon) Chemical Signal XX 18 x 10 AC 8 NG Division An Army based around 18 large, powerful, fixed organizations ….Augmented by a Unit of Employment & Standard Support UAs: (Armor Division) Unit of Action (Armored UA) Designed around 84 smaller, modular, tailor able organizations— 50 AC, 34 NG

Mobilization “alert, mobilize, train, certify, deploy” to “train, alert, deploy”

Leading for Tomorrow Transforming on the move Postured to change and adapt Leveraging existing structure and capabilities Exploiting automation, enhanced simulation and distributive training technologies Ensuring diversity Training and developing leaders Prudently managing resources

Ready Reliable Essential Accessible... Offering uniquely American solutions to the complex security challenges our nation faces both at home and abroad.