FinanceDistribution Revenues Unknown Cost of Goods Fixed? Expenses Volatile Employee Costs Variable Track & Control Asset Investment G & A Expenses Variable Facility Cost Fixed? Marketing Variable Employees Payroll, Benefits, Med/Dental, 401(k), Training, Liability Mgmt, Regulatory Policies Updates, Morale, Corp Culture, Turnover Cost Containment Is Unpredictable Taxes & Debt Variable Other, R & D Variable Value of Company Unknown Ability to Grow Unknown Start -Up / Existing - Business Operations Model Net Income Unpredictable Profit? Maybe Liability Management Government Compliance? Customer $ $$ $ Annual d Start-Up / Existing - Business Operations Model
Finance Distribution Revenues Somewhat Stable Cost of Goods Fixed Somewhat Stable Expenses Variable Employee Costs Fixed 1 Year Track & Control Asset Investment G & A Expenses Variable Facility Cost Fixed? Marketing Variable Safety Programs Drug Testing Taxes & Debt Variable Other, R & D Variable Customer TM Value of Company Multiple of E.B.I.T.D.A or Profit + Asset Formula $ $$ $ Distribution to Owners, Employees, Shareholders, Reinvest in Company Debt Equity Cash Flow - Bank - Personal - Convertible - Public - Private - Sales - Residual - Reinvestment Asset Increase Cash In Net Income Predictable Ea. Mo./Qtr Profit Liability Management & Government Compliance Risk Mitigation Services Predictable Hiring Results Current State - Business Operations Model
Future State - Business Efficiency Model Finance Distribution Revenues Growing Cost of Goods Controlled Expenses Variable Skyline Employer’s Resource Costs Fixed 1 Year Annual Cost Containment Release Cash to Profits Track & Control Asset Investment G & A Expenses Variable Facilities Cost Controlled Marketing Targeted Taxes & Debt Based on Profit Other, R & D Based on Growth Potential TM Value of Company Increased Multiple of E.B.I.T.D.A. or Profit + Asset Formula Greater Predictability Distribution to Owners, Employees, Shareholders, Reinvest in Company, Less Turnover / Retain Quality Employees Debt Equity Cash Flow - Bank - Personal - Convertible - Public - Private - Sales - Residual - Reinvestment Asset Increase or Product / Market Expansion Cash In Increased Company Focus All Levels of Employees Greater Predictability for Future Budgeting Greater Efficiency & Reallocation of Existing resources Controlled “Soft Cost” “Admin. Cost” “Future Cost” Increase : - Revenues - More Predictable - Greater Profit Per Customer - Customer Focus by Company - Customer Retention, less $ - Hidden Assets Within Company - Quality Referrals CUSTOMER Skyline Employer’s Resource Professional Services Resources Net Income Predictable Ea. Mo./Qtr PROFIT Liability Management & Government Compliance Liability Reduction Government Compliance & Protection Pre-Hiring Screen Safety Services FUTURE VALUE Higher Quality Employees Ability to Fine Tune Your Corporate Culture Market Leader Status Strategic Time for Planning Stable Business Model Attractive to Investors or Recognized Strategic Partner(s) Future State - Operations Efficiency Model