1 - Establish an Interagency Energy Technical Service Organization 2- Multi-Agency Energy Service Contract Agreement for Energy- Efficiency and Renewable Energy Retrofits 3 - Consolidate Utility Billing Level of Service Potential Improved LOS Cost Containment Not Available More than $500,000 but less than $1M Not Available Implementation Timeframe Midyear FY11Midyear FY12FY12 Level of Work Required SignificantModerate Implementation Cost Yes: TBDNoYes: TBD Inter-Agency Coordination CARS: IT, Facilities, Procurement CARS Facilities CARS: IT, Facilities, Procurement Dissenting Members None CARS Utilities Subcommittee Update 9/22/2010 Summary of Quarterly Report 1 Recommendations Eric Coffman - MCG (240) Subcommittee Chair
4 - Interagency Energy Conservation Campaign 5- T8 32W to 25/28W Fluorescent Retrofit 6 - Building Operator Certification (BOC) Training Level of Service Potential Improved LOSNo ChangeImproved LOS Cost Containment More than $500,000 but less than $1M Less than $100,000 Implementation Timeframe Midyear FY11 FY12 Level of Work Required Minimal Implementation Cost Yes: $2,000 to $10,000Yes: $4.00 per lamp replacedNo Inter-Agency Coordination CARS: IT, Mailing Printing and Document Management No Dissenting Members None CARS Utilities Subcommittee Update 9/22/2010 Summary of Quarterly Report 1 Recommendations Eric Coffman (240) Subcommittee Chair
Post FY12 Ideas/Target Opportunities 1.Expand/Enhance Cooperative Purchasing of Utilities 2.Establish a Energy-Efficiency/Renewable Energy Finance Fund to Reinvest a Portion of Savings from Retrofits 3.Participate in PJM Load Management Programs 4.Develop Multi-Agency Facility Sharing Plan to plan future facility use and combine efforts. 5.Adopt Thin-Client or Similar IT architecture to reduce desk-top energy consumption CARS Utilities Subcommittee Update 9/22/2010 Summary of Quarterly Report 1 Recommendations Eric Coffman (240) Subcommittee Chair