Ukraine Grant Making Mission Debrief
Purpose of the mission Agree on reinvestment of savings; Clarify TRP recommendations; Agree on implementation arrangements; Progress on grant making documents; Develop a grant making workplan and agree on deadlines.
Reinvestment of savings USD 12.5 million savings found during proposal review and to date, additional $2.2 million identified during grant making. Reinvest in: 1. Items proposed by Secretariat in NFM review. Exceptions are: Additional amount proposed for activities in Crimea; Lubricants for sex workers (to be requested from USAID); Strengthening TB/HIV reporting system (needs assessment ongoing); 2. Additional items proposed by Working group: Funding of under-budgeted care and support component ($0.9million); Advocacy – National budget, social contracting, regional procurement monitoring ($0.35million) Advocacy – OST ($0.2million) UCDC administrative costs ($1.2million) – amount is subject to further review! OST weekend payments ($1.08million) – subject to GAC approval! MDR-TB side effects medicines ($0.5million) Increased unit cost for SWs and MSM ($0.45million)
Reinvestment of savings Total reallocation amount exceeds savings found by $639, 897. It has been proposed to cover these from further savings in the four current grants or NFM. If genuine needs for further reallocations arise during grant making: discuss with Working Group; agree on savings to cover the costs; clearly highlight to CT with justification. Next steps: Confirm savings from all PRs; Cost and justify each reallocation item; Validate new proposals with Stakeholder Group; Submit to CT.
TRP recommendations Official TRP recommendations will be communicated in writing by Tuesday. Country Team available for clarifications and support when preparing responses. Next steps: Response expected by 10 October.
Implementation arrangements PR arrangements remain the same, with exception of sub-granting functional unit shared by all 3 PRs. – Common vision on expected benefits and some of practical arrangements of sub- granting functional unit. Agreement that there is no need for a procurement functional unit; – What is needed is improved coordination amongst 3 PRs and better linkage between programmatic aspects and PSM. – This will be achieved through Operational PSM Coordination Group chaired by UCDC. “Four Ones” modality (one PF, one SR strategy, one reporting, and one coordination) to be worked out. Great progress on implementation mapping exercise – result is +/- sufficient for grant signing. – Regional implementation mapping to be done in several phases. Gap remains in overall grant implementation strategy from at PR and SR level, including regionalisation approach.
Implementation arrangements Crimea: Operationalisation options developed, but SWOT analysis to be carried out. Conflict-affected regions: Broad agreement on the need for contingency planning. Global Fund will inform options within the grant and GF financing mechanism. Next steps: PRs to develop grant implementation strategy, incl PR level, SR strategy and regionalisation approach. PR level needs to translate into action plan and timelines for implementation. PRs to work with CT to finalise implementation maps. Alliance and Network to develop SWOT analysis on options for Crimea.
Grant Making documents Grant making templates shared, tasks and timeline agreed. Alliance requested to provide phase-out and hand-over plan for OST (incl. calculations and descriptions). Framework agreement to be signed by Government. To be clarified in post-mission feedback letter and formally requested from Government. UCDC in lead. Next steps: 1 st draft: 26 September 2 nd draft: 10 October Final submission: 24 October
Grant signing MAs Plan for how syringes issue will be resolved. Plan for removing from warehouse and distributing POC CD4 machines.
Grant making workplan 26 September Draft 1 of grant making documents – budget, PF, Health products list; Costed and validated reallocation list to Secretariat. Inform CT of each PR’s responsible person for Implementation Mapping and possibly working on CAT. Alliance and Network to develop SWOT analysis on options for Crimea. Plan for resolving syringes and POC CD4 issues. UCDC structure to be clarified. 10 October Draft 2 of grant making documents; Grant implementation strategy with timelines. Submit responses to TRP clarification questions. Progress update from UCDC on process of signing Framework Agreement. 24 October Final version of grant making documents, including all administrative documents needed for grant signing. Macro-level implementation maps finalised. 31 December Approved joint procurement plan and concept note/TOR of the PSM coordination group. Map of high-priority regions (with remaining regions to be mapped by first NFM PU). Working group to inform CT of Stakeholder and CCM validation points.
Thank you for all your hard work throughout last week! We look forward to working with you through the grant making process.