What is a Foundation Trust? It is an NHS organisation, first established in April 2004 Foundation Trusts operate according to NHS principles – free care, based on need and not ability to pay The difference with a Foundation Trust is that it is run locally, with staff and local people as members, having a say in how they wish their services to be developed Regulated by Monitor
Benefits Better and more inclusive governance –Local ownership & involvement council of governors and members –A unitary board of directors Greater patient, public and staff involvement –Increased engagement & communication –FT status & reputation should attract and retain high calibre staff –Staff have a involvement in shaping of future services Organisational freedoms –Able to decide on how the trust is managed, including freedom to develop services –Decision making on capital investments –Planning on a longer timescale Financial freedoms –Legally binding contracts with commissioners –Greater financial flexibility & stability –Ability to generate surpluses & reinvest them –Ability to borrow money to fund capital and service developments
What will change when NWAS becomes a Foundation Trust?
NWAS will have a better and more inclusive governance in which staff and the public can be involved Local issues raised through members, a Council of Governors to a unitary Board of Directors The Trust will have greater financial freedoms The Trust will be regulated by an independent regulator The Trust will have undergone a thorough “fitness” test
MembersGovernors Non-executive Directors Executive Directors Accountable to Appoints Membership Appointment and Reporting Lines
Consultation and Engagement In line with Cabinet Office Code of Practice 2005 and NHS confederation guidance Pre-engagement activities –Consultation preparation and scoping –Staff communications and forums –Contact with key stakeholders and partners regarding consultation arrangements –Exploring opportunities for membership recruitment –Community engagement programme
Consultation and Engagement Consultation plans –A full consultation document and associated materials –Geographically spread public meetings/events –Existing forums and meetings –Specific and targeted stakeholder events and meetings –Staff engagement activities –Public communications and media activity –Patient information –Website and other e-communications
What we are consulting on Our vision and values Our future direction of travel and five year plans How we will be run as a FT –Governance arrangements –Membership Required to evidence process and feedback as part of authorisation
Taking up Membership Membership recruitment will start on the 7 th September Proposal - two categories of members, staff and public Staff members automatically become an FT member with an option to opt out Different levels of membership
What will Members be able to do? Have a say Help raise awareness of ambulance services across the North West Represent the views and needs of the local community Influence proposed changes to services and future plans for development Stand for election for the Council of Governors Vote in the election for the Council of Governors
Timeline SHA Assurance Phase Now-April 2010 DoH Applications Committee April 2010 – June 2010 Monitor Phase Starts June 2010 Potential FT Authorisation Date Beginning Sept 2010 All Dates indicative as Trust will be continually assessed
Progress with Application Diagnostic process complete Action plan agreed –Recruitment of CEO and Director of Performance and Patient Experience –Sustained Category B performance Outlined the future service development plans as part of the Integrated Business Plan Outlined the financial models to deliver the plans SHA Assurance Phase commenced –Consultation –Submission of plans –Board to Board and interviews –Sign off Constitution Trust is in a good position to move ahead
Any Questions?