Policy Governance® Theory of Change & Logic Model* What is a theory of change? A theory of change articulates the assumptions, philosophies and principles underlying an approach to creating transformational change What is a logic model? A logic model illustrates how the change will be achieved including specific resources, activities, work products, short and long term outcomes produced along the way What is a theory of change? A theory of change articulates the assumptions, philosophies and principles underlying an approach to creating transformational change What is a logic model? A logic model illustrates how the change will be achieved including specific resources, activities, work products, short and long term outcomes produced along the way * Adapted from : Theory of Change: A Practical Tool for Action, Results and Learning. Prepared for the Annie E. Casey Foundation by Organizational Research Services,20014 W.K. Kellogg Foundation Evaluation Handbook (1998)
IPGA Logic Model – Policy Governance® Problem Statement Because Boards play a distinctly different role from the organizations they govern, the absence of clearly defined responsibilities and accountability between Board and CEO negatively impacts organization performance. Goal Increase the capacity of organizations to produce valued results and use resources more effectively through the applied practice of Policy Governance Long-Term Change Measurable improvements in organization performance including the increased production of valued results, effective use of resources and avoidance of unacceptable situations Assumptions & Rationale Organizations exist to produce valued results for owners; board govern on their behalf Optimal use of necessarily limited resources is desirable PG defines and guides appropriate relationships between owners, Board and its CEO Organizations practicing PG with fidelity use resources more effectively, producing more valued results Resources Clear expectations of required investments and competencies Readiness to adopt and practice PG Board & CEO commitment to PG principles/practices Sufficient $, time resources for PG education, training & capacity Building Time devoted to ongoing learning, development and process improvement Adequate staff and consultant support Activities PG training, capacity building, continuing ed. Defining ownership Ongoing ownership linkage; making policy on their behalf Developing a perpetual agenda Assuring the integrity of the Baard’s process and documents Implementing, monitoring and reviewing policies for compliance Remediating non- compliance Outputs Ends policies Executive Limitations policies Governance Process policies Board-CEO Linkage policies Reasonable Interpretations of all policies Board accepted compliance data and monitoring reports Ownership linkage plans implemented Board self-evaluations Outcomes – Phase I Board speaks with one voice Board focus shifts outward to owners and ends Board limits inward focus to monitoring and accountability Board meetings are more productive Communication between Board & CEO improves as does CEO job productivity Board & CEO recognize benefits and challenges of PG and reinvest in quality improvement Outcomes – Phase II Board is accountable to ownership; CEO is accountable to Board; and Board is accountable for its own performance Unacceptable situations and instances of non- compliance are promptly identified and remediated Staff experience alignment of policy implementation and measurement with Board policy and increase productivity The organization achieves Ends making optimal use of resources DRAFT