How to Make SE Better
Social Enterprise Means Business Social enterprises are profit-making businesses set up to tackle social or environmental issues which reinvest the majority of their profits for the benefit of their community.
1.Select the RIGHT business Population Political -legal Economical Socio-cultural Natural Technological
1.Select the RIGHT business Customer Competition Supplier power Buyer power People in the same industry Barriers to entry Threat of substitutes Company
1.Select the RIGHT business Civic engagement Economic development Environment Health Human rights Learning/Education - Ashoka
2. Prepare for a GREAT Business Mission and Vision Product Price Place Promotion Mentor by experienced businessman
2. Prepare for a GREAT Business Business model Mentor by experienced businessman Find the right leader Differentiation, differentiation Change from time to time
3. This is NOT a charity! Equip yourself Get the mindset Learn how to do the business Join HKIM
$ As an Ashoka Fellow A New Idea Creativity Entrepreneurial Quality Social Impact of the Idea Ethical Fiber