From Extended Learning to Academic Innovation
Extended Learning to Academic Innovation Blurring of lines in teaching & use of technology Reinvest revenue to support greater academic innovation & resources for all faculty Join disparate Teaching & Learning affiliates across campus under combined & renewed synergy & focus Expand outreach to new audiences Partnerships – MOOCs, APLU, international, etc.
The New Organization: Builds upon and expands expertise & success in instructional and visual design Invests in faculty resources to support teaching and learning Fosters innovation through programming and technology Clarifies role & name Academic Innovation
Strategic transition – builds upon EL units: WVU Online & Extended Campus –iDesign Special Programming –K 12 Digital Content & ACCESS courses –Summer Session Academic Innovation
Expand iDesign core to create: Teaching & Learning Commons –realigned components/collaborations/personnel –Information Technology, –Sponsored Research, –Faculty Development, –Graduate Ed & Life Academic Innovation
WVU Online & Extended Campus –Expanded emphasis on adult learners w/ RBA and MDS undergraduate online degree completion in collaboration with University College –Increase focus on Student Success for online students through webinars, tutorial services, etc. –Continued Quality Matters course review & faculty development –Grow graduate programming, including certificates –Increase enrollment & retention metrics Academic Innovation
iDesign Studios: (4 areas of emphasis) Instructional, Visual, Classroom, Innovation Lab/Sandbox Comprehensive infrastructure with specialized expertise to provide resources for f2f and online instruction. AI - Teaching & Learning Commons
Faculty & Graduate Resources: Graduate Academy, New Professoriate, Experienced Faculty Specialized programming & resources: 1-to-1 support, Communities of Learning, Workshops & Webinars Mentoring AI - Teaching & Learning Commons
AI – Specialized Programming SUMMER SESSION Entrepreneurial model that directs $6.7 million to Colleges On & Off-campus promotion 85% market- WVU students Nationally recognized K-12 ACCESS Courses –892 HS Student Registrations –4 courses –Expanding areas in Project Lead the Way, Intro to Agricultural Science, Digital Content Development –Math 9 & 10 –Professional Development –Expanding: Engineering for K12, Earth Science
Through realigning units with existing personnel expanding collaborations, redirecting of revenue, there is no additional cost to WVU Academic Innovation
ACADEMIC INNOVATION Sound instructional design through innovation in teaching and learning. Actualizes Realization 1 – improve structures, processes and communication… that directly impacts all Goals of WVU2020.