the end of the journey…
May 10 th, Tuesday night.
Arrive by 6:00 pm at the latest, 5:40 pm at the earliest. You will need to set up your booth before you report to the auditorium by 6:15 pm. Enter the auditorium by the outside door near the stage.
They need to arrive by 6:15 or earlier if possible. It will be very crowded at the school, so the earlier the better to get seats.
No—it is extra credit
The same standards as presentations apply for Day 80, though you will want to dress cooler because it will be hot. Males are allowed to wear dress/khaki shorts. You can also wear a costume.
See the list on page 35.
Anyone is allowed to come to Day 80. The more, the merrier!! Invite your family, friends, and teachers. There is a $2 cost to get into the auditorium program to help cover costs of Day 80 and AWED costs. We are pre-selling tickets and selling them at the door.
Former students and teachers will be assigned to evaluate you. They will be provided with a rubric which has questions to ask you and a checklist for all of your materials. There are also secret evaluators who will be double-checking to make sure that you are evaluated and that you don’t leave your booth!
Beginning in the cafeteria, Traditional AWED booths will be arranged in alphabetical order by country and then by each student’s last name. Booths will also branch out into the halls. Large Project Land will be on the Bus Ramp. Your teacher will talk to you about that if you are assigned there. Top projects will be in the top part of the 500 building.
5:40-6:15 pm: set up booths 6:15-6:30 pm: report to auditorium (to your assigned seat) 6:30-7:30 pm: program in auditorium 7:30 –8:30 pm: guests visit booths 8:30-9:30 pm: clean up
8:30 pm, no matter what!
Your teacher must be contacted if at all possible by your parents. If the excuse is legitimate, the student will receive the alternate assignment. It is required that you come since it is two test grades!
You are only asked to invite people, not to have them come. There is no penalty if the people you invite cannot come.
Find one. Ride your bike, the bus, or jog here. Car pool with someone else. If you still can’t find a ride, tell your teacher and he or she may be able to help you, but do NOT tell us on Monday or Tuesday. We can’t help then, so we must know by the Friday before Day 80.
Without an excuse, you fail.
You immediately lose thirty points. You must stay at your booth the entire time. You are NOT to go and visit other students, even after the evaluator has been there. You MUST stay and greet all the guests. Go to the bathroom before you come!!
It is not guaranteed…and very unlikely. You need to plan as if you do not.
You need to take all of your stuff and then help whoever is at your table take it down and carry it back to the racks in front of the cafeteria to put on the table racks. Put it neatly on the racks! Then you can leave, unless you are on the clean up crew. Take all of your stuff with you. DO NOT THROW STUFF AWAY IN THE BATHROOM TRASHCANS!
Only whatever the recipe makes once. You don’t need to double or triple it. Once it is gone, that’s okay, as long as your evaluator has seen it and had the opportunity to taste it.
No, these will be available to the guests on tables in front of the auditorium and cafeteria. Do not take these yourself when you go to your booths! The guests will receive instructions about how to get them. You may want to bring serving utensils.
Beginning in the cafeteria, Traditional AWED booths will be arranged in alphabetical order by country and then by each student’s last name. Booths will also branch out into the halls. Large Project Land will be on the Bus Ramp. Your teacher will talk to you about that if you are assigned there. Top projects will be in the top part of the 500 building.
Act as if you have common sense!! Be respectful to adults around you and to the PTSA since they will begin the meeting. Do not participate in the voting! This is a formal night…like an awards banquet for you, so act the part of a mature participant. Show the community your positive potential!
Make sure you talk to your teacher about information you need to give her. Then, on that day, after you have set up your booth, report to the back of the stage and there will be people there to direct you.
Beginning in the cafeteria, Traditional AWED booths will be arranged in alphabetical order by country and then by each student’s last name. Booths will also branch out into the halls. Large Project Land will be on the Bus Ramp. Your teacher will talk to you about that if you are assigned there. Top projects will be in the top part of the 500 building.
Beginning in the cafeteria, Traditional AWED booths will be arranged in alphabetical order by country and then by each student’s last name. Booths will also branch out into the halls. Large Project Land will be on the Bus Ramp. Your teacher will talk to you about that if you are assigned there. Top projects will be in the 100 hall.
Beginning in the cafeteria, Traditional AWED booths will be arranged in alphabetical order by country and then by each student’s last name. Booths will also branch out into the halls. Large Project Land will be on the Bus Ramp. Your teacher will talk to you about that if you are assigned there. Top projects will be in the top part of the 500 building.
Yes! You have the opportunity to earn one extra credit grade. You can opt to help put up the set on Monday, May 9th from 4:00- 5:00 PM, or set up or clean up on Day 80 (you can only do one). You must sign up by the Wednesday before Day 80.
You must get anything you have left in your teacher’s classroom by 3:50 PM on Day 80. We will not be available to open our rooms when you are setting up booths. sad as that might be
Be here by 5:40-6:00 to set up booth Be in the auditorium by 6:15 Sit in the front of the auditorium. You will have assigned seating. Only leave the auditorium when you are dismissed Do not leave your booth at all Do not talk on your cell phone or text Do not chew gum Bring all your stuff on Day 80 and have fun!