Community PanFlu Planning : Healthcare
Objectives Review PanFlu Planning Checklist Facilitate development of your Internal Disaster Plan: Surveillance Communications Surge Capacity Vaccine/antiviral Dispensing Communicate needs to KCHD for our Metro Plan
Pandemic Flu Checklist Specific to each area in HealthCare Used in conjunction with guidance from HHS Pandemic Influenza Plan Can be adapted to meet unique needs of each facility
Establishing a Planning Structure PanFlu Committee PanFlu Coordinator Point of Contact Written Plan
Surveillance: Populations Served Educate staff Signs/symptoms pandemic vs seasonal flu Infection control measures Community response plan Track patients/staff with panflu Have system in place to report unusual flu-like illness/pan flu to local HD:
Infection Control Signage to educate personnel and patients Adequacy of surgical masks for patient contact not involving aerosolization procedures Possibility of using surgical masks over reusable N95s as well as goggles/face shields for high-risk procedures Establishing regularly scheduled environmental cleaning
Surge Capacity: Not for hospitals only! Emergency Responders Medical Offices Ancillary Health Dentists Pharmacists Physical Therapists Veterinarians Etc
Surge Capacity:Staffing Shortages Identify minimum number employees and categories required for essential operations Temporary help Cross train employees MOAs with other facilities
Staffing Shortages Develop strategy for housing staff on-site for prolonged periods if needed Staff encouraged to develop personal family care plans for their absence from home
Surge Capacity: Volunteers Volunteer Coordinating Center being developed Private Health Providers Ancillary Health Dentists Pharmacists Physical Therapists Veternarians
Integrating Volunteers Medical vs Non-medical needs: Triage Phone banks On-Off site locations Assisted Living/Nursing homes Home Health Home-bound
Integrating Volunteers, cont’… Non-medical Phone triage Housekeeping Food Service Clerical support ??Just in Time Training for RN assistant positions
Volunteers- How Will You Use Them? Without your input…
Surge Capacity: Supplies Estimate needs for consumable resources Primary Plan & Contingency Plan Detailed procedures for supply acquisition Normal channels exhausted: have a back- up
Triage Phone banks: to prioritize patients In-house 211 Establishing boundaries for “non-flu” vs “flu sick” Signage Different areas vs different times Alternate sites In-house: “remote” area not normally intended for triage use Outside of facility: different entrance than regular ER
Sick Leave policy Liberal and non-punitive Staff who become ill at work Recovering staff- when to return Symptomatic but functional staff- allowed to work? Reassignment of personnel at increased risk for flu complications Offer annual flu vaccine
Communication: Keeping it Consistent Point of Contact identified to communicate with KCHD Broadcast FAX Media
Vaccine/Antiviral Distribution Prioritization of personnel : based on level of patient contact PanFlu Coordinator: to develop and provide list of First and Second tier personnel Prioritization determined by Feds and may change
Secondary Distribution Center SNS warehouse SDC Your Facility Here at KCHD or KCHD off-site warehouse or Other location Either distribute directly to your staff or have facility point person pick up and administer Important to be flexible
Supplies One weeks worth of consumable supplies Primary and contingency plans to address supply shortages Arrange in advance with suppliers
Breakout Group Meetings Hospitals, Medical Offices, First Responders: June 27 8:00 am- Auditorium Charity Menefee & Larry Hutsell Home Health, Assisted Living, Nursing homes, Ancillary medical, Inpatient facilities: June am- Auditorium Maria Hurt Ancillary: Dental, Pharmacy, PT, Vets, etc: June am- Auditorium Drs. Karen Eschman & Steve Keeton Charity Menefee & Larry Hutsell Home Health, Assisted Living, Nursing homes, Ancillary medical, Inpatient facilities: June am - Auditorium Maria Hurt Ancillary: Dental, Pharmacy, PT, Vets: June 23 8:30 am- Auditorium Drs. Karen Pershing and Steve Keeton
Attending Other Meetings… Business Meeting: June 13, 7:30 am- Auditorium Internal Disaster/Continuity of Operations planning Occupational Health planning
WHAT WE NEED FROM YOU POC: Position, phone number, fax, etc RSVP to next meeting Feedback re: using volunteers, triage, any other suggestions