Are YOU RMSA Ready? Welcome to Roosevelt Middle School for the Arts “Roosevelt Way” Kick-Off.


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Presentation transcript:

Are YOU RMSA Ready? Welcome to Roosevelt Middle School for the Arts “Roosevelt Way” Kick-Off

The ROOSEVELT WAY?  EXPECTATIONS that all students will follow  Students showing positive behaviors in all areas of the building  ALL Classrooms  Cafeteria  Gym  Auditorium  Computer Labs  ALL Hallways  ALL Bathrooms  Bus  Students showing they are Roosevelt Ready!


THE “ROOSEVELT WAY”  Expectations will be taught to all students  Cool Tool Tuesdays

Administrators, Teachers and All RMSA Staff ask… Are YOU Are YOU Roosevelt Ready? Roosevelt Ready? –This is a reminder for you to correct your behavior and show us the “ROOSEVELT WAY” –This will be common language throughout the building to be used by staff and students.

Hallways/Stairways Be Safe Walk on the right Walk on the right Go directly to where you need to be Go directly to where you need to be Wear ID at all times Wear ID at all times Be Responsible Follow directions of adults Follow directions of adults Go to lockers at designated times Go to lockers at designated times Go to appropriate location Go to appropriate location Be on time Be on time Be Respectful Use appropriate language, tone, and volume levels Use appropriate language, tone, and volume levels Hands and feet to self Hands and feet to self Acknowledge adult directions in a positive manner Acknowledge adult directions in a positive manner Be Safe Walk on the right Walk on the right Go directly to where you need to be Go directly to where you need to be Wear ID at all times Wear ID at all times Be Responsible Follow directions of adults Follow directions of adults Go to lockers at designated times Go to lockers at designated times Go to appropriate location Go to appropriate location Be on time Be on time Be Respectful Use appropriate language, tone, and volume levels Use appropriate language, tone, and volume levels Hands and feet to self Hands and feet to self Acknowledge adult directions in a positive manner Acknowledge adult directions in a positive manner

Passing Procedure/Hallway  3 minutes between classes  Stay tight to the right.  Go directly to where you need to be.  Use appropriate language, tone, and volume levels.  Walk in halls.  Hands and feet to self  Keep ID visible  If being escorted by a teacher stay in a straight line

RMSA Locker Procedures  Students can go to their lockers during passing but you MUST BE ON TIME TO YOUR CLASSES  NO sharing lockers  DO NOT give anyone your combination  Keep Lockers Clean

NO Hallway Passes  You must have an escort to be in the hallways.

Tardy to Class Procedure  BE ON TIME TO CLASS!  Students with chronic tardies should be referred Roosevelt’s support staff.

Cafeteria Be Safe Wait patiently in line Wait patiently in line Eat your own food Eat your own food Single serving snack foods only Single serving snack foods only Remain seated until you are dismissed Remain seated until you are dismissed Be Responsible Sit and eat in your assigned area Sit and eat in your assigned area Follow directions of adults Follow directions of adults Clean up your area when dismissed Clean up your area when dismissed Be Respectful Use good manners Use good manners Use appropriate language, tone and volume levels Use appropriate language, tone and volume levels Raise your hand to get an adult’s attention or permission for bathroom Raise your hand to get an adult’s attention or permission for bathroom Be Safe Wait patiently in line Wait patiently in line Eat your own food Eat your own food Single serving snack foods only Single serving snack foods only Remain seated until you are dismissed Remain seated until you are dismissed Be Responsible Sit and eat in your assigned area Sit and eat in your assigned area Follow directions of adults Follow directions of adults Clean up your area when dismissed Clean up your area when dismissed Be Respectful Use good manners Use good manners Use appropriate language, tone and volume levels Use appropriate language, tone and volume levels Raise your hand to get an adult’s attention or permission for bathroom Raise your hand to get an adult’s attention or permission for bathroom

RMSA Cafeteria Procedures  Escorted by your teacher  Enter quietly  Stand in line  No cutting  Get lunch, go to assigned tables  Eat and wait to be dismissed by a staff member  Dispose of garbage on your way out of cafeteria

Enter/Exit Building Be Safe Walk in an orderly manner Walk in an orderly manner Keep hands, feet and objects to self Keep hands, feet and objects to self Respect personal space Respect personal space Go directly to where you need to be Go directly to where you need to be Be Responsible Use appropriate language, tone and volume levels Use appropriate language, tone and volume levels Listen and follow to staff directions Listen and follow to staff directions Take needed materials Take needed materials Be Respectful Bring needed materials Bring needed materials Turn off cell phones / electronic devices keep them stored out of sight Turn off cell phones / electronic devices keep them stored out of sight Dress appropriately for school Dress appropriately for school Be Safe Walk in an orderly manner Walk in an orderly manner Keep hands, feet and objects to self Keep hands, feet and objects to self Respect personal space Respect personal space Go directly to where you need to be Go directly to where you need to be Be Responsible Use appropriate language, tone and volume levels Use appropriate language, tone and volume levels Listen and follow to staff directions Listen and follow to staff directions Take needed materials Take needed materials Be Respectful Bring needed materials Bring needed materials Turn off cell phones / electronic devices keep them stored out of sight Turn off cell phones / electronic devices keep them stored out of sight Dress appropriately for school Dress appropriately for school

RMSA Entrance Procedures  Entrance into school: Morning  Get off of bus, go directly to entrance/stairwell 1. Enter silently and proceed silently to the auditorium.  6th and 7th graders enter on 2 nd floor. 6th grade students will sit on the West side and 7th grade will sit on East side.  8th graders enter the auditorium on the 3rd floor and will sit in balcony.  Wait to be dismissed by a staff member/by grade level.  Go directly and silently to your lockers/bathroom/and class on time.

RMSA Exit Procedures  Exit the building: After School  Teacher will dismiss you from class.  Silently go directly to your locker, gather all materials, proceed to stairwell 1. Stay to the right in the stairwell.  Go directly to YOUR bus.  Board the bus  Sit  Follow bus expectations

Bus Be Safe Sit forward and remain in seat at all times until drop off Sit forward and remain in seat at all times until drop off Hands inside, feet on floor out of aisle, objects to self Hands inside, feet on floor out of aisle, objects to self Use appropriate language, tone and volume levels Use appropriate language, tone and volume levels Be Responsible Go directly to assigned bus after school Go directly to assigned bus after school Board quickly and depart at assigned stops Board quickly and depart at assigned stops Follow all bus directives and guidelines Follow all bus directives and guidelines Be Respectful Listen to bus driver and all adults Listen to bus driver and all adults Refrain from horseplay and physical aggression Refrain from horseplay and physical aggression Share space with other riders Share space with other riders Be Safe Sit forward and remain in seat at all times until drop off Sit forward and remain in seat at all times until drop off Hands inside, feet on floor out of aisle, objects to self Hands inside, feet on floor out of aisle, objects to self Use appropriate language, tone and volume levels Use appropriate language, tone and volume levels Be Responsible Go directly to assigned bus after school Go directly to assigned bus after school Board quickly and depart at assigned stops Board quickly and depart at assigned stops Follow all bus directives and guidelines Follow all bus directives and guidelines Be Respectful Listen to bus driver and all adults Listen to bus driver and all adults Refrain from horseplay and physical aggression Refrain from horseplay and physical aggression Share space with other riders Share space with other riders

Computer Lab Be Safe Stay at your assigned space Stay at your assigned space Walk Walk Follow all classroom rules and procedures Follow all classroom rules and procedures Be Responsible Use materials, computers and equipment appropriately Use materials, computers and equipment appropriately Follow AUP including going to assigned websites only Follow AUP including going to assigned websites only Stay focused on task Stay focused on task Be Respectful Use appropriate language, tone and volume levels Use appropriate language, tone and volume levels Do not alter or move equipment Do not alter or move equipment Be Safe Stay at your assigned space Stay at your assigned space Walk Walk Follow all classroom rules and procedures Follow all classroom rules and procedures Be Responsible Use materials, computers and equipment appropriately Use materials, computers and equipment appropriately Follow AUP including going to assigned websites only Follow AUP including going to assigned websites only Stay focused on task Stay focused on task Be Respectful Use appropriate language, tone and volume levels Use appropriate language, tone and volume levels Do not alter or move equipment Do not alter or move equipment

Bathroom Be Safe Wash/ Dry Hands Wash/ Dry Hands Refrain from horseplay and physical aggression Refrain from horseplay and physical aggression Enter designated bathroom for boys or girls Enter designated bathroom for boys or girls Be Responsible Use during lunch or passing time Use during lunch or passing time No loitering No loitering Be Respectful Use appropriate language, tone and volume levels Use appropriate language, tone and volume levels Use proper bathroom etiquette Use proper bathroom etiquette Respect privacy and property Respect privacy and property Be Safe Wash/ Dry Hands Wash/ Dry Hands Refrain from horseplay and physical aggression Refrain from horseplay and physical aggression Enter designated bathroom for boys or girls Enter designated bathroom for boys or girls Be Responsible Use during lunch or passing time Use during lunch or passing time No loitering No loitering Be Respectful Use appropriate language, tone and volume levels Use appropriate language, tone and volume levels Use proper bathroom etiquette Use proper bathroom etiquette Respect privacy and property Respect privacy and property

Auditorium Be Safe Walk Walk Hands and feet to yourself Hands and feet to yourself Remain in your seat Remain in your seat Be Responsible Follow directions of adults Follow directions of adults Go directly to your assigned area Go directly to your assigned area No food, drink or gum No food, drink or gum Be Respectful Demonstrate proper audience etiquette (i.e. clapping, paying attention and remaining silent) Demonstrate proper audience etiquette (i.e. clapping, paying attention and remaining silent) Be Safe Walk Walk Hands and feet to yourself Hands and feet to yourself Remain in your seat Remain in your seat Be Responsible Follow directions of adults Follow directions of adults Go directly to your assigned area Go directly to your assigned area No food, drink or gum No food, drink or gum Be Respectful Demonstrate proper audience etiquette (i.e. clapping, paying attention and remaining silent) Demonstrate proper audience etiquette (i.e. clapping, paying attention and remaining silent)

School wide Non-negotiables  No cell phones  No scarf  No food or drink  BE ON TIME USE APPROPRIATE USE APPROPRIATE WEAR YOUR IDLANGUAGE  No bookbags  No hats  No candy  No electronics

“Roosevelt Way” Rewards  Students will be rewarded for showing teachers and staff “Roosevelt’s Way” expectations and positive behaviors


ROOSEVELT WAY INCENTIVES “PHANTOM NOTES”  There will be Bi-Weekly drawings for Phantoms Notes in the Cafeteria during lunch for every grade level. –Collect your Phantom Notes and drop them in the “ROOSEVELT WAY” dropbox located in the Cafeteria. –Students must be in attendance to win. –5 names per grade level will be drawn by a staff member; student will pick the prize they want from the store. –All names will be saved for quarterly drawings. This will be a quarterly all school drawing over the PA. The student whose name is drawn will come to office to get an award and their picture taken to be displayed for the next mark period in “Roosevelt Way” board.

Monthly PHANTOM PHUN TIME  Dances  Gym time  Game days  Popcorn/Movie  Social Time in designated area

Quarterly Phantom Extravaganzas All School Activity:  Talent show  Picnic  Roller skating  Brewers game  Bucks game If you have a suggestion for an activity please drop a note in the Roosevelt Way Suggestion Box