Welcome Nigel Magson Chair INSIGHT Special Interest Group Nigel Magson Chair INSIGHT Special Interest Group Nigel Magson Chair INSIGHT Special Interest Group
Questions & Hypotheses
INSIGHT SIG 2010 Activity Summary Training Courses Julie Pitt Stuart McCoy Job Boards
SIG Committee Nigel Magson Chair Steven Dodds Vice Chair Anne Carter/ Richard Portchmouth Treasurer Kirsty NealeMembership Bertie BosredonDigital Champion Julian Young/Ruth SmythClassic Champion Paul Seabrook/David ColeResearch Champion Stuart McCoy Training Champion Rajbinder KheraVenues Bob FrancisCommunications Stephen Newberry/L BealeWebsite Janet SneddenPR
Building Community – Join our Linkedin Forum
Forthcoming Training Courses Wednesday 9 th Feb –Attrition for beginners – 2 half day sessions Wednesday 23 rd Feb –Am Excel for Beginners –Pm Excel Pivots –Please contact Julie Pitt
SIG Website – Insight Survey
Member feedback Nigel Magson Chair INSIGHT Special Interest Group Nigel Magson Chair INSIGHT Special Interest Group Paul Seabrook Research Champion INSIGHT Special Interest Group
Member survey carried out in September by fast.MAP 52 members responded to the survey Designed to help with resource planning and comparing against your organisation Useful with business case justification Full copy of results available
The Year Ahead Optimism: 47% 34% 2009 (light bars) 2010 (solid bars) Less optimism than last year as we approach 2011
Using insight Less likely to say that insight is extensively used than last year
What are the major challenges in 2011? Being quickly responsive to changes in this economic climate; limited budget funding, demonstrating impact increasing individual support from existing supporter base, customer retention, recruitment (same as always) Integrating on & offline insight to derive meaningful business decisions Recruiting new donors and integrating marketing channels. Smaller charities finding the resources (time, staff, money) to use insight to influence their campaigns
How can the IOF help? Being quickly responsive to changes in this economic climate; limited budget Carry on same as in 2010 Hold three half day seminars with charity case studies Make benchmarks easier to provide/access By providing forums where charities can share knowledge & best practise Events - case studies of sucess stories which attendees can then repeat in their own charity. more sessions at convention /conferences
Where does it tend to sit? Most analysis functions are within Fundraising
What does it provide? Over three quarters of analysis functions are providing…
Software used for campaign selections / marketing analytics SQL is the most common package followed by The Raiser’s Edge
Use of statistical packages Most don’t use any specific packages; SPSS is the most common of those that do
What’s used for reporting? Excel is the main tool used for reporting
Appending geo-demographic to supporter data Two-thirds use geo-dem overlays; Mosaic and Acorn are the most popular
Use of survey design software Three-quarters not using any specific tools. Those that do use Snap Surveys
Today’s Agenda
Agenda – Morning to coffee Stream A - Auditorium W Forecasting & Scenario Planning W Classic Stream B - Seminar Room W Classic W Forecasting & Scenario Planning
Agenda – Morning to lunch Stream B - Auditorium W Data Enhancement W Creative pre-testing & Qual Research Stream A - Seminar Room W Creative pre-testing & Qual Research W Data Enhancement
Agenda – Afternoon to Tea Stream A - Auditorium W Web Analysis & Online integration W Social Media Tools Stream B - Seminar Room W Social Media Tools W Web Analysis & Online integration
Agenda – Afternoon to Wine Stream B - Auditorium W Tools for the analyst W Recruiting for analysts (core competencies assessments) Stream A - Seminar Room W Recruiting for analysts (core competencies assessments) W Tools for the analyst WINE !! In the Seminar Room.