Concurrent Enrollment Program Concurrent Enrollment Program An enrichment opportunity for NC high school students who are 16 and older
Contact Information Wanda Ray, Director of Cooperative High School Programs at CPCC Mail... PO Box Charlotte, NC Me… Call Me
Website Most of your questions will be answered at this web site. It is continuously updated to make you aware of registration dates, forms, and other useful information about Concurrent Enrollment, services available, scholarships, etc. For recorded general information about Concurrent Enrollment… For questions about registration forms, required documentation, etc. … JoAnn Murray, or
Enrollments Enrollments of Concurrent Enrollment Students from 2001 – 2007: Term Fall Spring
Scholarships Number of $1000 CPCC Scholarships Awarded to Home School Students:
CONCURRENT ENROLLMENT - ANNOUNCEMENT Open Houses for Home School students interested in Concurrent Enrollment Cato Campus on Tuesday, July 17 - CT 140/142 North Campus on Tuesday, July 24 - CJ Auditorium Levine Campus on Tuesday, July 31 - LV 2150 (Auditorium) All will be held from 3:00 - 4:30 in the location noted above. The orientation is designed to make home school families aware of enrichment opportunities available to high school students who are at least 16 years old. Students and families will have an opportunity to ask questions, learn more about the Concurrent Enrollment Program and resources available at the College, to ensure a smooth transition to College life.
GENERAL ANNOUNCEMENT New Student Orientations for Recent High School Graduates July 13 at the Cato Campus (9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.) July 27 at the Central Campus (9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.) August 3 at the Levine Campus (9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.) The orientation is designed to allow new students an opportunity to ask questions, learn more about resources available at the College, and ensure a smooth transition to College life.
… Sessions are also available for parents of new students. During the orientation, new students and their families will have an opportunity to meet instructors and learn about College expectations. Sessions include Instructors Open Forum—Instructors will share strategies to improve study behaviors, student and instructor expectations, and much more. Library Services—Students will learn more about the resources available in CPCC’s Library. Parents Open Forum—This session will offer parents information on what they should expect, how parents can support their students in the first year, and details on the College transfer program. In addition, a Student Services Fair will offer information on Student Life, Financial Aid, and other programs at the College. Students registered for the fall semester and interesting in attending the New Student Orientation, should call