1 5 th SOA for E-Government Conference: Welcome and Conference Overview Gabe Galvan and Greg Linden, MITRE Hosts, Greg Lomow and Brand Niemann, Co-Chairs April 30-May 1, 2008 Theme: Our Space - Connecting Web 2.0, Enterprise Mashups, SOA, and the Semantic Web for Government 2.0 (Making It Easier to Do!).
2 Our Space
3 Brief History October 1-2, 2007: 4th SOA for E-Government Conference. MITRE, McLean, VA. November 1, 2007: The New New Internet Conference. January 7, 2008, Blog: Speaking the same language, Government Computer News. (Launch of Our Space). February 5, 2008, SICoP Special Conference 4, Computer Science Corporation Executive Briefing Center, Falls Church, VA.
4 Brief History February 19, 2008, Improved Access to EPA & Interagency Information: Before and After with Web 2.0 for the Collaboration Technology Community of Practice Inaugural Meeting, National Academy of Public Administration, Washington, DC. April 1, 2008, Depository Library Council Spring 2008 Meeting. Keynote: Before and After with Web 2.0. Kansas City, MO. April 3, 2008, AFFIRM Web 2.0 The Myths The Realities The Opportunities. National Press Club, Washington, DC.
5 Web 2.0 Source: Mills Davis, Four Stages of the Web at
6 Web 2.0 Some basic functionalities: –Author like Word –Edit/comment on every page –Some level of security for every page –Tagging –Versioning –Watchlist –RSS/XML between applications –Search –etc.
7 Enterprise Mashups Enterprise Mashups are application hybrids combining content and functions from more than one existing source to create powerful Web applications, integrated Web experiences and expanded customer value networks. Mashups are created by combining internal sources such as enterprise data with external Web resources such as Google Maps. Mashups are created when different application program interfaces (API) are combined or 'mashed' to create an entirely new application.
8 Enterprise Mashups
9 Mashups are the fastest growing enterprise ecosystem on the Web by far. Mashups are social, role-based, network-centric, complex, distributed and essential to all knowledge-based networks, models and businesses. They are a critical method to enhance customer experience, to drive productivity growth (innovation) and achieve fundamental advancements in knowledge economy competitiveness. Customers, employees, suppliers and other stakeholders gain enormous benefits using enterprise mashups to create new applications and expanding customer value networks. Open Enterprise 2.0 Mashup Summit: Expanding Customer Value Networks –
10 Enterprise Mashups Recall that George Thomas referred to this.
11 Enterprise Mashup: A Practical Guide to Federal Service Oriented Architecture
12 Making It Easier to Do! Dr. Marwan Sabbouh, The MITRE Corporation, Bedford, MA. –January 8, 2008, DoD CoI, and February 5, 2008, SICoP Special Conference:DoD CoI SICoP Special Conference Using Mapping Relations to Semi Automatically Compose Web Services Harmonizing Semantic Web Services and Mashups Using WMSL The Web Mashup Scripting Language Profile May 1, 2008, Mashups, Web 2.0, and SOA Panel, 10:45 AM – 12 NOON.
13 Speaking of Making It Easier to Do! A Special Thank You to the: –The MITRE Corporation for hosting: Ken Mullins, Rick Tucker, Gabe Galvan, Fran Dougherty, Greg Linden, Ann Galdo, Tiana Jackson, and the Conference Support Staff. –Presentors, Panelists, Tutorials, and Exhibitors: 13, 12, 2, and 40+, respectively! –IAC SOA Committee (Steve Olding, Chair) and the SOA Institute (Tom Dwyer). –Attendees: For participating and sharing your valuable time and thoughts for the improvement of our CoP and its activities.
14 Web 2.0 Wiki and Knowledgebase
15 Web 2.0 Wiki and Knowledgebase
16 Agenda: Wednesday April 30th 8:30 – 8:50 AM Welcome and SOA CoP and Conference Overview: –Gabe Galvan, MITRE Lead for SOA, and Brand Niemann, SOA CoP Co-Chair. 8:50 - 9:40 AM Opening Keynote: Building Agile Architectures Enabling Enterprise Interoperability: Three Difficult Pieces!: –Dennis Wisnosky, Chief Technology Officer, DOD OBT. 9: :30 AM SOA CoP Demo Phase 5 Summary Reports: –Michael Lang, Vitria. 10: :45 AM BREAK
17 Agenda: Wednesday April 30 th 10: NOON Panel: Approaching SOA in the Federal Government. Gabe Galvan, MITRE, Moderator: –Dennis Wisnosky, DoD –Eric Marks, AgilePath –Dennis Sawyer, MITRE –Michael Lang, Vitria 12 NOON - 2 PM Networking Lunch (MITRE Cafeteria) and Posters/Exhibitors (Atrium): –Table Assignments and Exhibit Layout. Tutorial Signup Opens.
18 Agenda: Wednesday April 30th 1 - 1:50 PM: –Auditorium - Session A: Government's Adoption of SOA and SOA Examples: Ajay Budhraja, Chief of Enterprise Services, US Department of Labor. –Conference Room - Session B: Lessons Learned Initiating a SOA: Andrew Ide, MITRE PM Significant SOA Federal Leadership Challenges: –Larry Pizette, MITRE.
19 Agenda: Wednesday April 30 th PM Keynote: Business Process and SOA: –Tom Dwyer, VP for Research, SOA Institute :15 PM BREAK 4:15 - 5:00 PM Leveraging Federal IT Investment – Using Service Oriented Architecture (SOA): An Analysis of SOA’s Value Proposition for Federal Senior Leadership Teams: –Geoff Raines, MITRE. 5:00 - 5:15 PM Closing Remarks: –Greg Lomow and Brand Niemann, SOA CoP Co- Chairs.
20 Agenda: Thursday May 1 st Tutorials in Conference Room 1 H 301 (LIMITED TO 40): –8:30 AM - 12 NOON Business Process Management Tutorial: Dave Carter, Dave Carter, Director and Vice President For Chapter Services, The Association of Business Process Management Professionals. –2: - 4:15 PM Intalio BPM/SOA: Integrated Platform version 5.2: Rick Geneva, Intalio, Inc.
21 Agenda: Thursday May 1st Auditorium Sessions: –8:30 – 8:45 AM Welcome: Gabe Galvan, MITRE Lead for SOA, and Greg Lomow, SOA CoP Co-Chair. –8:45 - 9:00 AM A View of the Government SOA Marketplace: Shawn McCarthy, Director of Research, Government Infrastructure Optimization and Vendor Programs, Government Insights, An IDC Company. –9:00 - 9:45 AM Grid Enabled Services Infrastructure (GESI): Isaac Christoffersen, Booz Allen Hamilton.
22 Agenda: Thursday May 1st Auditorium Sessions: –9: :30 AM Next Generation SOA Governance Panel, Fran Dougherty, MITRE, Moderator. Eric Marcs, AgilePath Steve Thomas, ITKO Jim Rice, Layer 7 Technologies –10: :45 AM BREAK
23 Agenda: Thursday May 1 st 10:45 AM – 12 NOON Mashups, Web 2.0, and SOA Panel. Greg Linden, MITRE, Moderator: –David Boloker, IBM: Web 2.0 & Associated Technologies. –David Webber, IntegrityOne: Challenges of Information Collaboration - Roles, Methods, Responsibilities and Context. –Mikael Orn, IBM: Web Business Insights & Lessons Learned. –Ramesh Ramakrishnan, Citizant: Web 2.0: The Government’s Web 2.0 Platform. 12 NOON - 2 PM Networking Lunch (MITRE Cafeteria) and Posters/Exhibitors (Atrium)
24 Agenda: Thursday May 1 st 1 - 1:50 PM: –Auditorium - Session A: Using an ESB to Build a SOA: Bob Sadler, MITRE SOA Lab, MITRE. –Conference Room - Session B: Ontology for SOA: Leo Obrst, MITRE. –Room H-301 – Session C: Governance Excerpt from Reference Architecture for SOA: Ken Laskey, MITRE. 2:00 - 2:45 PM: –Auditorium - Session A: Model Driven Solutions for SOA and the OSERA Knowledgebase: Cory Casanave, Model Driven.
25 Agenda: Thursday May 1st 2:45 - 3:45 PM BPM Choreography in OASIS SOA Reference Architecture: SOA Registry- Repository for Emergency Management & Health Informatics Domains: –Rex Brooks, Starbourne Communications Design and Integrated Response Services Consortium. 3:45 - 4:00 PM Closing Remarks: –Greg Lomow and Brand Niemann, SOA CoP Co- Chairs. 4:00 - 5:00 PM Networking and Close Facility.
26 Some Upcoming Events May 12-14, 2008, 3rd Annual Web Services Security & SOA Conference & Expo, Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, MD. May 18-22, 2008, SemTech 2008: The Semantic Technology Conference, Fairmont Hotel, San Jose, California. June 25-26, 2008, Business Process Management Conference, Service Oriented Architecture Conference and/or Business Architecture Conference, Brainstorm Group, Washington, DC. October 1-2, 2008, Sixth SOA for E-Government Conference, MITRE Auditorium, McLean, VA. October 25-28, 2009, International Semantic Web Conference in Washington, DC!