During the 1950s and 1960s Alabama was the site of some of the most intense Civil Rights struggles in the country. Montgomery, Selma, Birmingham, and Tuscaloosa led the resistance against inequality, racism, and hatred.
The Civil Rights Movement in Montgomery, Alabama
In Montgomery on December 1, 1955 Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give up her seat to a white man on a segregated city bus. The next night, African American community leaders met in the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church to organize a massive bus boycott.
Martin Luther King, Jr. became the movement’s captivating leader. After a year of boycotting the protesters won a federal case forcing the desegregation of the busing system.
The Civil Rights Movement is remembered in Montgomery today.
In 1989 the Southern Poverty Law Center dedicated the Civil Rights Memorial in Montgomery, Alabama. Maya Lin created the structure, which is made of black granite and honors forty individuals who gave their lives fighting for civil rights.
The Dexter Avenue Baptist Church was the rallying place for participants of the Montgomery bus boycott.
The name of the church was changed to Dexter Avenue King Memorial Baptist Church in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. who served as pastor from 1954 until 1960.
The Civil Rights Movement in Tuscaloosa, Alabama
In the spring of 1963, The University of Alabama was ordered by the court to enroll an African American student. A few months earlier, George Wallace had been inaugurated as Governor.
During his campaign, Wallace had declared, “Segregation now! Segregation tomorrow! Segregation forever!” When African American students tried to register, Wallace blocked the entrance to Foster’s Auditorium, making his famous “stand in the school house door.”
The University of Alabama holds an annual “March to the Schoolhouse Door” to honor the courage of those who challenged segregation.
Foster Auditorium in Tuscaloosa, Alabama
George Wallace attempted to block Vivian Malone and James Hood from enrolling at The University of Alabama.
In 1965, Vivian Malone became the first African American to graduate from The University of Alabama.
James Hood returned to the University in 1997 to earn his doctorate.
The Civil Rights Movement in Birmingham, Alabama
In 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr. led protesters in Birmingham, where Police Commissioner Eugene “Bull” Connor used dogs, cattle prods, tear gas, and fire hoses on the demonstrators.
On September 15, 1963 the violence reached a bloody climax when a bomb was set off at the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church. Four little girls were killed by the explosion, which took place on a Sunday morning.
Today Birmingham honors those who sacrificed for the cause of human dignity.
The site of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church.
The sign outside of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church. Robert E. Chambliss, Thomas Blanton Jr., and Bobby Frank Cherry were convicted of the bombing. Cherry was not convicted until 2002.
The Birmingham Civil Rights Institute honors those who fought for human dignity during the Civil Rights Movement.
The Civil Rights Movement in Selma, Alabama
Martin Luther King Jr. organized a march from Selma to Montgomery on Sunday, March 7, The purpose was to focus attention on voting rights for African Americans. Police and state troopers met protesters on the Edmund Pettus Bridge and savagely beat them. Sixty were injured, and sixteen had to be hospitalized because of severe injuries.
The nation was outraged and President Johnson was prompted to pledge his support for voting rights legislation. On March 21, protesters finally completed their march from Selma to Montgomery.
Selma has not forgotten the events of the past.
Brown Chapel AME Church was the starting place for the 1965 Selma to Montgomery marches.
Brown Chapel AME Church
The Church also housed the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) for several months in 1965.
Civil rights demonstrators marched across the Edmund Pettus Bridge on their way from Selma to Montgomery in 1965.
The National Voting Rights Museum, located in Selma, Alabama, commemorates the struggle to bring about the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
In Selma there are many memorials honoring the Civil Rights Movement.