Innovations in the Finnish Education Jari Koivisto Counsellor of Education The Finnish National Board of Education
School as an Innovation Center Teacher pre-service and in-service training emphasizing innovation in teachers’ profession Teachers working in teams in the school School administration supporting teachers’ innovative initiatives School networking Project oriented development Funding available to test and implement innovations National curriculum supporting innovations Excellent ICT-services
National Curriculum Supporting Innovations Subject teams and extensive feedback system Balance between the national guidance and local initiative Generic description of subject contents Support to local implementation of the curriculum Each teacher in a school has a responsibility to define the local curriculum in their own subject area introducing innovative ideas to school practices
Teacher Training Supporting Innovations Teacher students closely connected to the research at the universities → Teacher pre-service training contents and methods are up-to-date Emphasis on subject areas → Teachers are knowledgeable in their areas and are able and allowed to create innovations in their work All teachers must have a masters degree Teacher recruitment is free and based on competences
School Administration Supporting Innovations School leader ↔ school manager Intensive school leader in-service training A teacher can work as an autonomous professional Support for professional growth Teacher teams Control does not create excellence
Learning Environment Supporting Innovations School environment built to be flexible and cozy Space for changing learning situations Regular classrooms adequately furnished Space for projects, workshops and teams Auditorium Interactive classroom situation ICT available at all times, wireless networks Interactive teaching and learning methods Interaction with the surrounding society Learning materials ICT