Unit RatePart To WholeMISCComparison Statements Equivalent Ratios final
Does a typical person spend more years watching TV or sleeping? Write a ratio that compares these two amounts. ActivityNumber of Years Sleeping24.5 At work or school13.5 Socializing4.5 Watching TV12 Reading3 Eating3 Bathing and grooming1.75 Talking on the telephone1 Miscellaneous activities*9.5 back
The number of years spent doing miscellaneous activities is about how many times the number of years spent socializing? ActivityNumber of Years Sleeping24.5 At work or school13.5 Socializing4.5 Watching TV12 Reading3 Eating3 Bathing and grooming1.75 Talking on the telephone1 Miscellaneous activities*9.5 back
What percent of the total number of years in a lifetime are spent sleeping? ActivityNumber of Years Sleeping24.5 At work or school13.5 Socializing4.5 Watching TV12 Reading3 Eating3 Bathing and grooming1.75 Talking on the telephone1 Miscellaneous activities*9.5 back
What percent of the total number of years in a lifetime are spent at work or school? ActivityNumber of Years Sleeping24.5 At work or school13.5 Socializing4.5 Watching TV12 Reading3 Eating3 Bathing and grooming1.75 Talking on the telephone1 Miscellaneous activities*9.5 back
About what fraction of a lifetime is spent watching TV and talking on the phone? ActivityNumber of Years Sleeping24.5 At work or school13.5 Socializing4.5 Watching TV12 Reading3 Eating3 Bathing and grooming1.75 Talking on the telephone1 Miscellaneous activities*9.5 back
About what fraction of a lifetime is spent in miscellaneous activities? ActivityNumber of Years Sleeping24.5 At work or school13.5 Socializing4.5 Watching TV12 Reading3 Eating3 Bathing and grooming1.75 Talking on the telephone1 Miscellaneous activities*9.5 back
Nose Bleed: 10 Tickets for $ Middle Section: 1 Tickets for $70.20 Front Section: 1 Tickets for $ The nut cracker is having a show at Keller Auditorium in December. What is the Unit price for the Nose Bleed Section? back
Nose Bleed: 10 Tickets for $ Middle Section: 1 Tickets for $70.20 Front Section: 1 Tickets for $ The nut cracker is having a show at Keller Auditorium in December. What is the total cost of 40 Nose Bleed Tickets for the Nut Cracker? back
Nose Bleed: 10 Tickets for $ Middle Section: 1 Tickets for $70.20 Front Section: 1 Tickets for $ The nut cracker is having a show at Keller Auditorium in December. How many Middle section tickets could you buy with $300.00? back
There are 48 pretzels in a 12-ounce bag of chocolate covered pretzels. How many ounces does one pretzel weigh? back
The Speed of light travels about 299,792,458 meters in one second. An astronomical unit (AU) is the distance from the earth to the Sun. The distance from the earth to the sun is about 149,598,000,000 meters. How many minutes does it take light to reach the earth? (Hint: 60 minutes in 1 hour) back
Daily Double
Daniel gave away 36 lollipops. His friend Sarah gave away 21 lollipops. Give one kind of mathematical comparison statement about the number of lollipops each person gave away. back
Dave makes $ in two weeks. At that rate, how much does he make in a 52-week year? back
Dave makes $ in two weeks. Dave works 8 hours a week. How much does he make per hour? back
Dave makes $ in two weeks. Dave is saving up for a $18,000 car. How many months will he have to wait to save enough money to buy the car? back
The bigger triangle has the lengths of : a 4, b 3, c 5 The smaller triangle has the lengths of: a 2, b 1.5, c 2.5 What is the scale factor between these two triangles? back
The bigger triangle has the lengths of : a 60, b 45, c 75 The smaller triangle has the lengths of: a 2, b 1.5, c ? What is the length of side c on the smaller triangle? back
In the movie Willy Wonka’s Chocolate factory, the door they entered to get to the candy room was 1 ft tall and.5 ft wide. The door they exited was 18 ft tall. How wide was the door they exited? back
The bigger triangle has the sides of 6, 8, and 10. If my scale factor is.25, what are the sides of the smaller triangle? back
The bigger triangle has the sides of 20. If my scale factor is.75, what are the sides of the smaller triangle? back