WINTER SPORTS PARENT MEETING Thursday, November 6, 2014 at 6:30 pm Auditorium
BROOKE POINT ATHLETICS Mr. Roger Pierce Assistant Principal for Athletics & Activities Ms. Karen Miller Administrative Assistant
TRYOUTS Physical preparation Required forms: VHSL Athletic Participation Form on or prior to first day (to AD office) Hydration / Concussion form by second day (if not already done in another sport) Emergency Card by second day
VHSL ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS MUST have completed VHSL Athletic Participation Form (physical dated AFTER MAY 1, (Forms are available on the Brooke Point Athletics web page or at MUST currently be enrolled in at least FIVE SUBJECTS, or their equivalent, offered for credit and which may be used for graduation AND MUST HAVE PASSED AT LEAST FIVE SUBJECTS, or their equivalent, the previous semester.
VHSL ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS 3.Academic Eligibility will be based on 2014 year-end grades (semester 2 block classes and all XY classes). Students MUST have passed five classes, or their equivalent, offered for credit and which may be used for graduation. Continuing eligibility will be based on semester 1 grades as reported at the end of January, VHSL Transfer/Residency Rule DETERMINING GRADE ELIGIBILITY For eligibility calculation purposes: Block classes are equivalent to 2 credits. XY (alternating day) classes are equivalent to 1 credit each.
EXTRA/CO-CURRICULAR POLICY Student in good standing School attendance Rules of conduct
BULLYING Zero tolerance An act of aggression May occur by a single person or a small group Physical or psychological Hitting, threatening, intimidating, teasing, taunting, name calling, spreading rumors, targets weaker individuals
HAZING Zero tolerance An action or situation created by a group to intentionally produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, ridicule
CONCUSSIONS Symptoms-headache, nausea, balance problems, dizziness, double/fuzzy vision, feeling sluggish/groggy, concentration or memory problems, confusion Medical Emergencies-loss or decreasing level of consciousness, unable to be awakened, breathing irregularity, severe or worsening headache, persistent vomiting, seizures
CONCUSSIONS (Cont.) Strategies to Reduce the Risk of Concussions-knowing/understanding signs/symptoms, early reporting to coach, parent/trainer, practicing proper technique/form of sport, practicing good sportsmanship, wearing proper equipment (properly fitted helmets, mouth guards fitted and worn properly
Information for Potential College-Bound Student Athletes: Brooke Point Athletics web page at: Counseling Office NCAA
Sportsmanship all about RESPECT Players / Coaches Parents / Spectators Ejection Policy VHSL suspension plus BP additional day(s) Online sportsmanship course before return Possible additional consequences SPORTSMANSHIP
Playing time 24 hour rule Proper steps for resolving issues Students who quit an in-season sport may not participate, during that season, in off-season conditioning or practices COACH / PARENT COMMUNICATION
ACTIVITIES PASSES Passes are good for regular season HOME games only and can be purchased in the Activities Office by appointment. Ticket prices are $6 per person except Freshman or JV ONLY games, ticket prices are $5 per person. RATES $175Family Pass $50Student Pass $100Per Season
ATHLETIC BOOSTER CLUB Membership $10 Opportunities to get involved Spirit Apparel at Football and Basketball home games or by contacting ABC Spirit Wear contact is
ATHLETIC TRAINER Chris Serafin MS, VATL, ATC Nutrition Hydration Proper Rest Heat vs. Ice Team Physician Communication Steroids & Supplements Concussions, IMPACT and Return to Play Wrestling Weight Control Program Medication/Treatment forms in clinic-parents responsible to inform coaches/trainer/nurse Doctor’s notes
WINTER HEAD COACHES Boys BasketballCoach Kania Girls BasketballCoach Sowell SwimmingCoach Petersohn GymnasticsCoach Brown WrestlingCoach Johnson Indoor TrackCoach Ocheltree
ATHLETICS / ACTIVITIES OFFICE Located in Commons 2 Phone (540) ext 4425 Roger Pierce Assistant Principal for Athletics & Activities Karen Miller Administrative Assistant