Invite to “Bengal BASH” Bengals Against Starvation & Hunger Wednesday January 28 th 7:30am in the Auditorium Invite your friends! Let’s pack the auditorium! Speakers: Founder of Hope 4 Youth Former student that struggled with homelessness More? INVITE Friends – Bring 5 friend with you to count as an event!
Global Project - FMSC Fund Raising starts now! Mania Boxes or M&M containers or - collect your change! M&M containers full of quarters are $14! Make it a family effort! Are there other places your could leave Mania Boxes? You can bring them in when full and get another or keep until the end yourself. One month to collect! How much can we get?! Also, keep saving your milk jugs - we need 120 of them!
Survivor: BHS TEACHER The We Act sponsored fundraiser! 12 Teachers – vote to keep your favorite in the game by donating to their jar! Starts on 1/28, the day of the BASH. First teacher eliminated Monday, 2/2. One elimination per day! Tell your friends! All money goes to FMSC and Hope 4 Youth!