Hamburg Fire Service Academy - Introduction
2 Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg
Hamburg - basic data - Area 755,3 km² 1,7 Mill. Inhabitants 10% of the area = 75 km² port facilities 12% of the area are park or wood 100 Km to the north sea 7th biggest port of the world 2 airports in the city 32 facilities of SEVESO II Guideline Different laboratories for biological or physical scientists Main traffic junction for airplanes, railroads, ships and trucks *) HFSA = Hamburg Fire Service Academy HFSA*)
Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg Ministry of the Interior Fire Department Administration Operations Technical equipment and logistics Fire prevention Hamburg Fire Service Academy / Feuerwehrakademie Hamburg Organisational structure
Hamburg Fire Service Academy Overview over the area Auditorium center Training center + large capacity seminar rooms Multi purpose hall
Career and further training in EMS*) various possibilities of training in different scenes with up to date technique of EMS *) EMS = Emergency Medical Service
Various devices are available for any imaginable scene simulation Scenario simulation
All seminar rooms are equipped with up to date audio visual equipment Telecommunications, Computer Hardware and Software Training Seminar rooms Seminar room A/B Two large seminar rooms with up to 100 people each in the Training Center
Exercises in the Indoor Training Facility Ladder training indoor and outdoor 15 m height Two sets of four stairways Height training for several groups at the same time separate or simultaneously
preparation of real situations recognizing flash over indications training on correct behaviour Flash over container
operational training under realistic conditions environmentally friendly gas burner Fire acclimatization container
Railroad track with freight and tank railcars Railroad track commercial transport
Railroad track passenger traffic
Scientific work 28,06% 11,77% 7,69% 44,34% 5,56% 1,02% 1,56% Further training offices & authorities HH Since 2007 we run studies on Hazard Control and Rescue Engeneering In cooperation with the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
CMI – Community Mechanism Induction Courses The HFSC was able to win the tender of the European Commission for planning, realisation and evaluation of CMI-courses by now for the third time. We already conducted 12 courses within the 5th, the 6th and the 7th cycle of education. The overarching objective of theses courses is not only to improve the capabilities of individuals and teams, but to further prepare the participants to work in an international context. Since 2009: Hamburg Fire Service Academy
National and international cooperations: e.g. with Sweden, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Russia, Denmark. Russland (St. Petersburg) Tinglev (Dänemark)
Jürgen Krempin © Rechenbach, Krempin