Supervisor Los Angeles County Second District Supervisor Los Angeles County Second District Mark Ridley-Thomas 1 A New Vision June 22, 2011 Honorable Mark Ridley-Thomas Supervisor, Second District Los Angeles County
Supervisor Los Angeles County Second District Supervisor Los Angeles County Second District Mark Ridley-Thomas 2 Harbor General Hospital (1943)
Supervisor Los Angeles County Second District Supervisor Los Angeles County Second District Mark Ridley-Thomas 3 Harbor-UCLA Medical Center Campus (2011)
Supervisor Los Angeles County Second District Supervisor Los Angeles County Second District Mark Ridley-Thomas 4 NEW Master Plan Approach Define “Health” broadly to include nutrition, fitness, education, research, housing and transportation. Capitalize on health care delivery system reform opportunities. Achieve optimal public utilization of all County- controlled land. Build on relationship between health care delivery, jobs and workforce development and training. Incorporate sustainable design, construction and operating practices. Empower residents to take charge of their community’s health.
Supervisor Los Angeles County Second District Supervisor Los Angeles County Second District Mark Ridley-Thomas 5 Creating an Integrated Delivery Network Harbor-UCLA Medical Center –New Surgery/Emergency Room New MLK Hospital New MLK Multi-Service Ambulatory Care Center New MLK Center for Public Health Hubert Humphrey and Dollarhide Health Centers 19 FQHC affiliated School-based Health Centers A network of community partner clinics, private hospitals, and mental health facilities A more vibrant public transportation system
Supervisor Los Angeles County Second District Supervisor Los Angeles County Second District Mark Ridley-Thomas 6 PROJECT STATUS REPORT Harbor-UCLA Medical Center Harbor-UCLA Campus Master Plan Harbor-UCLA Seismic Retrofit Harbor-UCLA Surgery/ER Replacement Off Campus Metro Station Area Plan and Improvements MLK Medical Campus Master Plan MLK Center for Public Health Health Career Academy MLK Inpatient Tower and Ancillary Building MLK MACC Augustus Hawkins Mental Health Center MLK Fitness Garden Humphrey Health Center Start DateCost January 2011 $3 Million (M) Underway $51 M Underway $323 M Underway $4 M January 2011 $3 M Completed $20 M TBD April 2011 $229 M September 2011 $125 M Underway $3.6 M May 2011 $1 M July 2011 $13.6 M
Supervisor Los Angeles County Second District Supervisor Los Angeles County Second District Mark Ridley-Thomas 7 Workforce Investment Health-related Construction Projects in the Second District will create approximately 8,370 new jobs. Hensel-Phelps has implemented a volunteer Local Worker Hire Policy for Harbor-UCLA’s Surgery/Emergency Room Replacement Project. 9.77% of the cumulative hours worked have been completed by workers living within 5 miles of the project. 35.4% of the cumulative hours worked have been completed by workers living within 15 miles of the project.
Supervisor Los Angeles County Second District Supervisor Los Angeles County Second District Mark Ridley-Thomas 8 Empowerment Opportunities June 25, 2011 – Baldwin Hills Relay for Life, 9 AM Ladera Baseball Field – 5401 S. Fairfax Ave., Los Angeles July 7, 2011 – MLK Master Planning Community Meeting #2, 5:30 – 7:30 PM MLK Hudson Auditorium – S. Wilmington Ave., Los Angeles July 14, 2011 – Empowerment Congress Health Committee Meeting, 5 PM Second District Office at Exposition Park – 700 Exposition Park Dr., Los Angeles