History of Architecture St. Albans, Vermont Fall 2008 Ben Never
St. Albans Town History Established as a city in 1897 Known as Railroad center of Northern Vermont – Rail City, now Maple Capital 17 miles from Canada, 30 miles from Burlington People still in St. Albans due to all of the different companies and industries captured within the City limits Close commute to Canada and Burlington for residents of the City $208,000 robbed from 3 banks during raid “On October 19, 1864, Bennett Henderson Young, a 21-year-old Confederate soldier and 20 accomplices, all Confederate soldiers who had escaped from Union military prison camps and fled to Canada, dressed in civilian clothes, infiltrated St. Albans, Vermont, only 12 mile from the Canadian border. Their mission, approved by President Jefferson Davis of the Confederate States of America, was to raid a number of undefended towns along the Canadian border, to rob the banks, to terrorize the citizens and to burn the towns. In so doing, they hoped to force the Union Army to pull troops out of the front lines to defend the Canadian border. Also, there was the possibility that by their brazen actions, they might create greater hostility between the United Sates and Canada, possibility even a war. It wasn't as far-fetched as it seems today. Many in Canada favored the Confederate cause. Undefended St. Albans, Vermont, with three banks, was their first choice. The Confederates did succeed in robbing the banks and in creating panic in towns along the border. Union troops were indeed ordered to the border, and an argument opened up between the United States and Canada.” (
St. Albans – Past and Present Map of St. Albans from early 1900’sCurrent Map of St. Albans
The Warner Building – Little Wanderers building High St. St. Albans, VT
Warner Building History Founded by Chauncey Warner in 1881 Chauncey Warner donated $25,000 to start Land cost $5,000 Beautiful view of Lake Champlain Located on High St. Designed as refuge/orphanage/Children’s home Run by Charity Currently Residential Space (Apts/Condos) – converted in 1960’s Overall this building is perfect for what it was designed for Very large and spacious No different than in 1881 (Exterior) Misfit in residential neighborhood Modern in design Brick Construction Columns used at front entrance Arches around windows
The American House Main St and Lake St St. Albans, VT
The American House - Present
American House History Located at Corner of Main St. and Lake St. Built in Early 1800’s Large four-story brick structure – Modern Flat roof with decorative border around roof line – still exists Originally designed as Inn with Tavern Known as Phoenix Hotel in 1815 Oldest and Leading hotel in St. Albans M.F. Spencer know as best hotel keeper in Vermont 100 Guest rooms and sample rooms Capable of accommodating 150 guests Known for Excellence in Cuisine Burned during Raid Now Residential and Commercial Chamber of Commerce located on first floor Structure very much the same as early 1900’s, some modifications to front balconies Overall this building functions as intended and is a beautiful piece of St. Albans architectural history
Franklin County Grammar School St. Albans Academy St. Albans Historical Museum Church St. St. Albans, VT
St. Albans Historical Museum - Present
St. Albans Historical Museum History Located on Church St. St. Albans Academy Architect – E. J. Morrison, killed in St. Albans Raid Renaissance Revival architecture Students locked in building during Raid Overlooks park where Raid occurred Auditorium located on third floor – Academy Hall Criticized for out-of-date sanitary facility 1885 – 550 pupils, 96 students in each room, eight rooms overall Auditorium converted to High School until 1930 when B.F.A. was built 1960 – Building is vacated for first time in 100 years due to substandard shape 1972 – Museum started by donations Brought back to original state as school with the addition of an elevator Overall building fits well in the town Well laid out Very structurally sound Strong piece of St. Albans history Recommend visiting
Drug Store Jeff’s Maine Seafood Main St. St. Albans, VT
Jeff’s Maine Seafood - Present
Jeff’s Maine Seafood History Founded in 1841 by L.L. Dutcher Originally a Drug Store Located at 109 Main St Leading position in the Drug trade in St. Albans Only pharmacy between Montreal and Burlington, at that time Known for Dutcher’s Lightning Fly Killer 100 x 40 foot building two storied tall just for Fly Killer Special machinery available to dip 240 sheets at one time 100 reams per day Now Jeff’s Maine Seafood – not sure on transition date Building is the same now as it was in 1841 – Exterior Flat roofed with Arched windows Very functional as a restaurant with residence above Overall this building is a very beautiful piece of St. Albans history Very well maintained throughout the years.
Bibliography tor00adam_djvu.txt St. Albans Vermont Throughout the Years – , Armstrong, Caldwell, Steele, 1977 Picturesque St. Albans – Frank L Greene and St. Albans Messenger A Special Thanks to Allyn McDonald at the St. Albans Historical Museum