Club Alliance General Body Meeting November 14th
International Center Please join the International Center during International Education Week for the Oxfam Hunger Banquet : An interactive opportunity to change the way you think about poverty and hunger. Wednesday, November 7:00 PM Location: Student Union Ballroom *Reservations are now open! There are 100 tickets available on a first come first serve basis, and you can your RSVP to or sign up in person at the International Center, Building 58E Room For more information on all of the International Education Week Events, Visit the International Center on Facebook!
Student Government Remarks Collin Waychoff Student Government Chief of Staff
This Semesters Meetings Club Alliance General Body Meetings: December 5 th : SU Ballrooms 11:00 a.m. (Presidents Luncheon) Specialized Board Meetings: Religion/ Faith Based: Today after this meeting, Student Union Auditorium
Next Semesters Meetings Club Alliance General Body Meetings: January 23, 2015 (58W/2704) Student Union Auditorium February 13, 2015 (58W/2704) Student Union Auditorium March 27, 2015 (58W/2704) Student Union Auditorium April 10, 2015 (58W/3703) Student Union Ballrooms(Gala) Specialized Board Meetings- January 30, 2015 11:00 a.m.: Academic Meeting- SU Auditorium 12:00 p.m.: Special Interests Meeting- SU Auditorium 1:00 p.m.: Religious Meeting- Medium Meeting Room 3804 2:00 p.m.: Philanthropic Meeting- Medium Meeting Room 3804 3:00 p.m.: Sports Meeting- Medium Meeting Room 3804
The Survey If you take the survey you will be granted a free absence for the Spring 2015 semester. We want your opinions on how we can serve as the best resource for you. Any club member can take the quiz but only one excused absence per registered student organization. Link is available on the Club Alliance website and will be ed to everyone next week.
Reserving Tables for Events Please only reserve if you plan on attending If a circumstance comes up simply Katie and/or Justin by 4:00 p.m. the day before the event to cancel your table If you cancel the day of the event we have already purchased the table and moved it. Student Government pays for those tables Which means you all in Student Fees pay for the tables Don’t let our money as students go to waste
Club Funding 99 out of 200 have gained access Applies to Budget Process A (Budget Boost) ONLY! Budget Process B CBC your deadline has already passed Must complete all steps before the club can receive funding. Yes, this includes Purchase Requests and Reimbursements! 1. Attend a Club Funding Workshop (Online Prezi verison) 2. Complete a Signature Card 3. President and Treasurer take the club funding quiz
Purchasing Reminders Purchase Request/ Reimbursements Which document do I need? Process A (Budget Boosts) and Process B (CBC) Prior Approval Form USE IT! Is not a purchase request/ reimbursement request, still have to submit one. Ever have purchasing questions? Club Funding Prezi can be found on Blackboard Section in the handbook about finances Budget Boosts Timeline- Has to be signed off on, Committee Meet to approve or disapprove and ordered. Can NOT PURCHASE WAGES Do not forget the Quote! At least 3 weeks for printed materials to B&A Office Reimbursements have to be done within 5 business days
New Leadership Form Must complete whenever your President, Treasurer, or Advisor changes Link can be found on the CA website under Forms and Documents. Helps documentation for purchasing.
Road Signs Road signs are checked out in our office. You make them yourself. Time to be artistic. If you check them out turn them back in. Road signs are not to be out on the weekends. Physical Facilities picks them up during that time.
President’s Luncheon Will be serving Jason’s Deli Pasta Meal December 5, 2014, 11:00 a.m., (58W/3703) Student Union Ballrooms A, B, C, & D It is preferred that the President attends the luncheon/meeting but any representative from your club can attend in their place.
Spring Bash Theme: Beach Party Mark your calendars: March 3rd 2015: 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., UNF Student Union Plaza If you have ideas
Club Commons Can be used for Club meetings during Club Alliance Office Hours Justin or Katie to reserve a time Access tools to make and check out road signs Room 3002, Student Union, 3 rd floor, Student Government. Where you pick up your mail FREE Printing Lab
Talon Times Talon Award: Featured Club and Club of the Month Apply Online Deadline to apply is before the 7th or 14th of every month Great Marketing Tool Up to 800 students receiving Talon Times Information on upcoming Club Alliance dates Past Talon Times issues on Club Alliance website and social media Want to be on the mailing list?
Social Media We post events, pictures, deadlines and Sign Up Links Twitter and
Questions, Comments or Concerns? If you are a Religious/ Faith Based Club please stay for the short mandatory Religious/ Faith Based Board Meeting. Contact: Director: Justin Dato Assistant Director: Katie Jackson Drop by: Room 3002, Student Union, 3 rd floor, Student Government.