Using Off Site Storage to maximize service and space Mary Beth Lock Z. Smith Reynolds Library-WFU Marvin Tillman Library Service Center-Duke
BOOKS: OLD Early English Books BOOKS: NEW Google Books
Have a better use of space Provide better service Save construction costs per volume stored: $9.42 in library vs. $1.43 for offsite Better preservation
Landlocked libraries/campuses can’t always build new buildings Existing Libraries’ space is at a premium
Determine what will move Determine how much will move Consider student and faculty research needs Consider existing and “new” majors and minors on campus Choose carefully! Track high used material from Offsite and send it back to the library
A cross departmental group that was formed to determine what will be moved off site. Concentrated initially on the Ms, Us, Vs and Zs, (hence the name.) Considered Target number of volumes we needed to move (to open up space for the new auditorium) What we could safely move off initially The size of our facility and how many volumes we ultimately could move in Create a master plan
Measure twice, size once Accuracy ensures that you can maximize space in offsite Space=Money No two collections are alike
The Trays you order How the shelves are hung The number and sizes of labels you need EVERYTHING (except staffing)
eature=player_embedded eature=player_embedded Note: Anti-fatigue floor mats Back braces This is hard work!
Patrons request items for document delivery through our catalog or databases Requests are managed through ILLiad Barcodes are fed into the ILLiad form Bound Journals are pulled from the shelf and articles are scanned and delivered.
Requests from catalog entered into ILLiad Volumes pulled and delivered to the library for patron pickup Deliveries made once per day Faculty can view in the building. And can check out items from the LSC also.
Each patron goes through their “Home” library and requests are ed to LSC. The patron access is screened through their home library Patrons from all participating institutions can come to LSC. Duke LSC does not own the material, just store it. Policy is set by the owning libraries we serve.
CELEBRATION! ZSR Celebrates ACRL Excellence in Libraries Award, January, 2011 AND PLAY Capture the Flag: Jan, 2011
CONTACT: Mary Beth Lock ZSR Library Wake forest University CONTACT: Marvin Tillman Library Service Center Duke University
Teper, Jennifer Hain, and Stephanie S. Atkins “Time and Cost Analysis of Preparing and Processing Materials for Off-Site Shelving at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library.” Collection Management 28 (June 8): doi: /J105v28n04_