We are a registered Society namely “Nav Prabhat Human Development Society (Regd.)” vide registration certificate No. S-55680.
To provide affordable Houses to the member of the society AIMS & OBJECTS To promote / provide all other activities related to welfare of the society and common cause To provide affordable Houses to the member of the society To promote school, colleges, Swimming Pool, Auditorium, Club House, Educational and Medical Institutions, Training Institute etc
PROVIDE HOUSING AT AFFORDABLE PRICE The management of Society has decided that residential apartments at affordable prices will be provided to the Members of the society.
HIGHLIGHTS OF MASTER PLAN DELHI 2021 According to MPD 2021, urban extension areas are to be planned with a density of 250-300 persons per hectare. The DDA has earmarked land at Zone J, Zone K-I and K-II, Zone L, Zone N, Zone P-I and P-II for raising residential projects to cater.
ZONE– N (NORTH WEST DELHI) The zone covers an area of 13,975 hact. & surrounded North East : Western Yamuna Canal/ Narela Project South : Rohtak Railway line/Zone ‘L’ South East : Existing H.T Line/proposed 100 mt wide road, boundary of Zone ‘M’(Rohini Ph.IV,V) West & North West : National capital of Delhi /Haryana State boundary
GAZETTE NOTIFICATION The Land Pooling scheme was published by DDA vide Public notice dated 18.4.2013 and has been notified by Ministry of Urban Development, Govt. of India vide Gazette Notification No. 2076 dated 06.09.2013.
EXTRACT OF GAZETTE NOTIFICATION NOTIFIED BY MINISTRY OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT Govt./DDA will be act as ‘Facilitator’ with minimum intervention to facilitate and speed up integrated planned development. A land owner or a group of land owners or a developer called ‘Developer Entity’ (D.E.) shall be permitted to pool land. Each landowner will get an equitable return irrespective of land uses assigned to their land in the ZDP with minimum displacement. DE shall be returned land within 5 km road of pooled land subject to other plan required.
Comprehensive planning of the whole area of the Zone. Role of DDA/Govt. Comprehensive planning of the whole area of the Zone. Development of Master Plan roads, Water supply, Sewerage, Drainage. Providing Traffic and Transportation Infrastructure i/c Metro Corridors and external development in time bound manner. Acquisition of left out land pockets, if any after Land Pooling.
Norms of land pooling There are Two categories of Land pooling, a. Category I, with area of land pooled more than 20 HA. b. Category II for 2 HA to less than 20 HA. For our purpose we are focusing on the details of category II which is relevant for us. The land returned to DE will be 48% and land retained by DDA 52%. The distribution of land returned to DE (48%) in term of land use will be 43% as Gross Residential, 2% City level Public/semipublic and 3% City level commercial. Residential FAR 400 for Group Housing to be applicable on net residential land which is exclusive of 15% FAR reserved for EWS Housing. Net Residential land to be a maximum of 55% of Gross Residential Land.
Maximum Ground coverage shall be 40%. FAR for City level Commercial (3%), and City level public/semipublic (2%) to be 250. Maximum density will be 1000 persons per HA of Gross Residential land. Density for 15% FAR reserved for EWS calculated at unit size of 32 sqm.
SAMPLE ILLUSTRATION FOR WORKING OUT AREA CALCULATION Land purchased and Handed over to DDA : 2 HA Returned to DE- 48% : 0.96 HA Returned by DDA 52% : 1.02 HA Gross Residential Area- 43% : 0.86 HA. Net Resdl Area-55% of Gross Resdl area : 0.86x0.55 = 0.473 HA Residential Buildup area (BUA) : 0.473 x 4 = 1.89 HA
LAND REQUIREMENT The society management has decided to buy minimum 5 acre (2 HA) land in Village Savda, Delhi under N-Zone from the land owners which is mandatory under category II of land pooling scheme of DDA.
TOTAL TENTATIVE NO. OF FLATS Type-A, 100 Units apprx Area 1000 sq.ft Type-B, 72 Units apprx Area 1440 sq.ft
COST OF FLAT The tentative cost of the unit will be collected in two parts a. Land Cost b. Construction Cost
LAND COST The tentative present land cost per member as under: Type-A, Rs.11,00,000/- for 1000 Sq.ft. Flat Type-B, Rs.16,00,000/- for 1440 Sq.ft. Flat
CONSTRUCTION COST At present tentative cost of construction is apprx. Rs.1600/- per sq.ft. however, the actual cost of construction prevailing at the time of construction after allotment of plot by DDA will be applicable.
PAYMENT SCHEDULE S.No. Particulars Type – A (1000 Sq.ft.) Type – B Booking Amount 2.50 Lacs 2 Within a period 60 days (30.Nov. 2013) 8.50 Lacs 13.50 Lacs Total 11.00 Lacs 16.00 Lacs
ESTIMATED TIME FRAME FOR CONSTRUCTION Going by current indications we have all the reasons to expect construction to begin by early 2015. Since this is a new project area with open land, the construction is likely to progress at a swift pace. Hence we estimate a completion time of 36 months from the start of construction.