Shared Services Industry Workshop March 17, 2015
L EAD ∙ T RANSFORM ∙ D ELIVER Page 2 1:00 — 1:30Treasury Opening 1:30 — 2:30Presentation of Association Studies (15 minutes per Association) 2:30 — 2:45Break and Move to Break Out Rooms 2:45 — 3:45Break Out Sessions 3:45 — 4:00Break and Return to Auditorium 4:00 — 5:00 Presentation by Break Out Groups (10 minutes per group) to OMB, Treasury and Federal Shared Service Provider Leadership 5:00 — 5:30Closing Industry Workshop Agenda
L EAD ∙ T RANSFORM ∙ D ELIVER Page 3 THE SHARED SERVICE ECOSYSTEM: ADDRESSING BARRIERS TO ENTRY: 2015 FIT MILESTONES Barrier To Entry ProjectExpected Outcome Agencies Consume More Than Just One Line of Service Organizational Shared Services Study Alternative analysis to OMB for a proposed government- wide solution to address governance and oversight of administrative shared services Return On Investment Cost Assessment MethodologyA consistent financial management costing methodology for agency use. Capture agency FM cost categories and identify areas for savings if shared services are adopted Switching Costs and Interoperability Data BridgeA re-useable infrastructure pilot that leverages data standards and allows agencies to move data without building point to point interfaces. Transparency and Service Standards Financial Services Catalog and Performance Benchmarks Price Transparency and a consistent bar for FSSP performance Cost EfficiencyStrategic SourcingLeverage the Marketplace Governance Product Control Boards and partner with GSA and OFPP to understand licensing agreements with vendors today and determine a path forward for possible savings Demonstrated Success FIT liaisons and agency implementations Success!
L EAD ∙ T RANSFORM ∙ D ELIVER Page 4 1.Governance –What are the advantages/disadvantages of having one governing body manage all administrative shared services mission support functions (e.g., financial management, procurement, information technology, human resources)? –How would you structure such a governing body? 2.Marketplace Growth –How can industry’s role in shared service efforts be expanded while also increasing the amount of risk industry accepts when engaging with the government? 3.Performance –How would you hold Federal and commercial shared service providers accountable for optimizing performance in areas such as service levels, resource management, innovation, and continuous improvement? Workshop Breakout Questions
L EAD ∙ T RANSFORM ∙ D ELIVER Page 5 FacilitatorNote takerRoom #Question # Beth AngermanDavid Harris30221 Dorsy YoffieHolly Williams33341 Caitlin SimpsonCassandra Madden30422 Mike CiancioloBrian Opperman30462 Dale BellTammie Johnson40023 Adam GoldbergLydia Cooley41433 Room and Question Assignment
L EAD ∙ T RANSFORM ∙ D ELIVER Page 6 Questions have been pre-assigned to six groups One hour facilitated preparation One or more industry presenters Ten minute presentation to OMB, Treasury, and FSSP leadership Industry group members names and companies provided to leadership Break-out sessions
L EAD ∙ T RANSFORM ∙ D ELIVER Page 7 1.ACT-IAC Shared Services Acquisition Study – Final Deliverable 2.ACT-IAC Centers of Excellence (COE) Study – Executive Overview 3.ACT-IAC IV&V Applicability to Shared Services 4.Association of Government Accountants (AGA) Chief Financial Officers Survey Association of Government Accountants (AGA) Chief Information Officers Survey Association of Government Accountants (AGA) Federal Financial Systems Summit Executive Report 7.Partnership for Public Service: Building a Shared Services Marketplace: Recommendations for a Government-wide Approach 8.Partnership for Public Service: Building a Shared Services Marketplace: Recommendations from the Shared Services Roundtable Shared Services Studies