Berea-Midpark High School Planning for 12 th Grade
Scheduling for the Senior Year English – must take 1.0 credit Math – request next course in sequence (teacher rec.) 1.0 credit Science – 1.0 credit Social Studies – 1.0 credit World Language – if college-bound, take another year! Remember to request any required classes that you have not yet taken: Health, PE (PE Survey, elective) Financial Literacy (Economics, Personal Finance, Financial Management) Computer Fine Art
Request additional electives. You must carry at least 2.5 credits each semester; total of 5.0 minimum credits for the year. Cannot sign up for Titan Aide credit or independent study at this time.
Late Arrival/Early Release – you may request EITHER late arrival or early release each semester. Only one period will be approved! 5 late arrival semester one 6 late arrival semester two 7 early release semester one 8 early release semester two Study Halls - use the following numbers: 1 for semester one 2 for semester two
Polaris Career Center You will attend Polaris during the afternoon next year. You need to request three credits at BMHS: 1.0 of English 1.0 of Math 1.0 of science or social studies These will vary due to embedded academic credits in certain programs. Please see your counselor if you have questions!
Honors Diploma (p. 7-8) – 4 credits of English – 4 credits of Math – 4 credits of Science (including both Chemistry & Physics) – 4 credits of Social Studies – 3 credits of one World Language (or 2 years of 2 languages) – 1 credit of Fine Arts – Maintain an overall GPA of at least 3.5, through the first semester of the senior year. – Obtain a score of 27 on the ACT or 1210 on the SAT
Honors Diploma - Career Technical – 4 credits of English – 4 credits of Math – 4 credits of Science (including both Chemistry & Physics) – 4 credits of Social Studies – Earn a minimum of four units of Career-Technical Instruction. – Maintain an overall grade point average of at least 3.5 on a four-point scale, through the first semester of the senior year. – Obtain a composite score of 27 on the ACT or a total score of 1210 on the SAT. – Achieve proficiency benchmark established for Ohio Career-Technical Competency Assessment or equivalent.
Eligibility Students must pass 2.5 credits each grading period with a minimum gpa of 1.5. Eligibility is determined each grading period using quarter grades. Exam and semester grades do not impact eligibility.
NCAA Division I/II College Eligibility Rules (p10) – Students who wish to participate in Division I/II intercollegiate athletics as freshmen or receive athletic grant-in-aid scholarships must meet specific criteria – Approved courses will have a “(NCAA Course)” after course description – Will need to register with the NCAA Clearinghouse towards end of junior year
Post Secondary Enrollment Option Program – Take college classes and earn high school and college credit at the same time – One of the requirements: 3.0 overall GPA – Meeting on March 11 th at 6:00pm – You will choose your BMHS classes as if you are NOT doing PSEOP… it can be changed once you are accepted
College Requirements Core Requirements for College Admission (p.6) – 4 credits English – 4 credits Math – 3 credits Science (2 lab sciences) – 3 credits Social Studies – 2 credits World Language (same language) – 1 credit Fine Art
TestDateRegistration DeadlineLocation SATMarch 8, 2014February 7, 2014BMHS ACTApril 12, 2014March 7, 2014BMHS SATMay 3, 2014April 4, 2014Area Schools SATJune 7, 2014May 9, 2014Area Schools ACTJune 14, 2014May 9, 2014Area Schools COLLEGE BOUND JUNIORS 2013 – 2014 SPRING ACT AND SAT TESTING SCHEDULE College bound juniors should take the ACT/SAT in the spring of the junior year Cleveland National College Fair Sunday, April 6 1:00pm – 4:00pm Wolstein Center – Cleveland State
LEVEL OF SELECTIVITY CLASS RANK EXPECTED ACT EXPECTED SAT (critical reading, math, and writing) HIGH SCHOOL GPASCHOOLS THAT MAY FIT THE BILL (for exact criteria check admissions requirements of the individual school) Most selectiveTop 10% at H.S Higher than 3.5Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Oberlin, Kenyon Very SelectiveTop 20% at H.S Approximately 3.5 or higher Case Western, Miami University, NEOUCOM, Ohio State Moderately Selective Top 50% at H.S Approximately 3.0 or higher Marietta, John Carroll, BW, College of Wooster, University of Dayton, Ohio University, Kent State Minimally Selective Not in top 50% at H.S Approximately 2.5 or higher University of Akron, Cleveland State, Wright State University, University of Toledo Open AdmissionEveryone is accepted Not required Everyone is accepted Community colleges, Tri-C, Shawnee State University, Youngstown State University, state school branch campuses COLLEGE LEVELS OF SELECTIVITY GUIDELINES Colleges look at all of the following during the admission process: GPA Strength of curriculum ACT/SAT scores Clubs/sports/activities Service
February 26 - International Baccalaureate Program 7:00pm - Auditorium (parents only) March 11 - Junior College Bound/Post Secondary Enrollment 6:00pm - Post Secondary Enrollment Options 7:00pm - Junior College Bound April 16 - Advanced Placement Meeting 7:00pm - Auditorium (parents and students) Important Dates for Juniors