1 Ravi Vatrapu Digital Positivism and Civic Panopticon Course Portal: Facebook: Etherpad: Thursday, 10-Mar-2011 EB22: Online Marketing: Lecture 20 Auditorium 4, ITU, Copenhagen, Denmark
T ECHNOLOGIES OF P RACTICAL R EASON Foucault’s Technologies of Practical Reason Foucault, M. (1988). Technologies of the Self. In L. H. Martin, P. H. Hutton & H. Gutman (Eds.), Technologies of the Self: A Seminar with Michel Foucault (pp ): Univ of Massachusetts Press. Rearticulates Max Weber’s yet satisfactorily unanswered question: If one wants to behave rationally and regulate one’s action according to true principles, what part of one’s self should one renounce? (Foucault:1998, p17) Four Matrices of Practical Reason Technologies of Production Technologies of Sign Systems Technologies of Power Technologies of the Self 2
D IGITAL P OSITIVISM Epistemic relationship with external reality mediated by existence, persistence, and exchange of digital records and arifacts "If a tree falls in a forest and there is no YouTube record of it, did it fail to fall?" 3
C IVIC P ANOPTICON Civic surveillance of people and places of power made possible by social structural assimilation of near pervasive and ubiquitous computing Ubiquitous: integrated and invisible Pervasive: instituted and invasive Abu-Ghraib Prison Scandal Senator Allen’s “macacca” comment and event Hillary Clinton’s “Bosnia Sniper-Fire” incident 4