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Presentation transcript:


Lamps LEDs … Innovative light sources – Research Institutes Accelerators Synchrontrons Free electron lasersLasers Displays Photovoltaic devices … Light sourcesPHOTONICS

Global photonics market ~ €500 billion, Leveraged impact in other enabled industries is substantially greater! Europe: overall share of 20%, rising to as much as 45% in specific key sectors. ~290,000 employees. The sector is largely based on SMEs,. Estimated annual growth > 10%, i.e. 2-3 times faster than European GDP and faster than the growth of the global market. 40,000 new jobs being created 2005 and 2008 Photonics is one of the ”Key Enabling Technologies” of the EC By W.Sandner

- Laser scientific output is high compared to other disciplines and to other global regions => Europe is leading in an important scientific field -There are still significant differences between European regions => room for regional policy -There is a positive temporal gradient in all regions => ”lasers and photonics are the future“ Lasers in Europe By W.Sandner

Annual laser publications, per country ( ) Annual laser publications, per country ( ) Thoughts about European Cohesion Europe‘s scientific laser landscape By W.Sandner

European Laser Community Infrastructure Network: Laserlab-Europe ESFRI Pan - European Research Infrastructures – the first international laser project ELI Lasers in Europe A structured research landscape to meet global challenges The basis Flexible instrument to perform and initiate new science beyond the national scale Mission-oriented single entities to meet global challenges By W.Sandner

ELI - A bottom-up approach by the community Integrated initiative Laserlab-Europe 30 national laser facilities from 16 European countries Ultra-high intensity laser systems worldwide in 2010 (ICUIL) National high-power laser facilities world-wide

The Extreme Light Infrastructure will be  the world’s first international laser research infrastructure, providing unique science and research opportunities for international users “The CERN of laser research”  a distributed research infrastructure based initially on 3 facilities in CZ, HU and RO  the first ESFRI project to be implemented in the new EU Member States  pioneering a novel funding model combining structural funds (ERDF) for the implementation and contributions to an ERIC for the operation

Roadmap and governance ELI-PPESFRI ELI-NP ELI-Beamlines ELI-ALPS joint operation initiation ELI-DC International Association parallel implementation 2008 ELI ELI- ERIC ELI initiation parallel implementation initiation joint operation initiation joint operation initiation joint operation initiation PPMoU ELI- ERIC By W.Sandner

Financial structure ELI-DC International Association 2008 PPMoU ELI- ERIC joint operation parallel implementation initiation ~ 6 M€ Prep. Phase ~ 850 M€ total EU Structural Funds (CZ, RO approved / HU applied for) M€ /a ELI-ERIC (pending) ERIC negotiations By W.Sandner

Structural Funds approved in Sept Projected completion date: IV 2017 Building under construction Major equipment procured (two 10PW lasers) Gamma source is procured ELI Nuclear Physics in Romania

Structural Funds approved in April 2011 Projected completion date: IV 2017 (phasing negotiations in progress) Building under construction Major equipment procured (diode-pumped, 10Hz PW laser) Tender for 10PW laser in contracted, A further PW laser in preparation ELI Beamlines in the Czech Republic

1)To generate X-UV and X-ray fs and atto pulses, for temporal investigation at the attosecond scale of electron dynamics in atoms, molecules, plasmas and solids. ATTOSECOND Beamlines & User Facility 2) To contribute to the technological development towards 200PW. HIGH INTENSITY beamline MISSIONS OF ELI-ALPS

shortest widest The shortest pulse durations at the widest spectral range … highest … at the highest repetition rate. ELI-ALPS LIGHT SOURCES

Phasing and the budget of the research infrastrucure Phase 1 (-2015) Primary sources: 20.3 M€ Secondary sources (+TA):10.8 M€ Labs, workshops: 1.65 M€ Scientific IT 0.39 M€ Phase 2 (-2017) Primary sources (incl. THz pump) : 29.0 M€ Secondary sources (+TA):15.1 M€ Labs, workshops: 7.4 M€ Scientific IT 2.03 M€


ELI-ALPS laser systems Initial concept Oscillator +front end 100 kHz Oscillator +front end 100 kHz Oscillator +front end 1 kHz Oscillator +front end 1 kHz OPA chain CW DPSSL pump OPA chain CW DPSSL pump OPA chain CW and pulsed DPSSL pump OPA chain CW and pulsed DPSSL pump Oscillator +front end 1 kHz Oscillator +front end 1 kHz OPA chain pulsed DPSSL pump OPA chain pulsed DPSSL pump Ti:Sa/OPA flashlamps / DPSSL Ti:Sa/OPA flashlamps / DPSSL THZ & appl. Gas HHG: Atto XUV Applications Solid HHG: Atto & X-Ray Synchronized Atto/PW PW applications mid-IR laser (MIR) Av.power 10 W

ALPS Single Cycle (SYLOS) beamline 1kHz, >100mJ, <5fs, VIS-NIR, CEP Benchmarks for the lasers ALPS High Field (HF) beamline Ti:S duty end: 5Hz, >2PW, <20fs, NIR

ALPS Sylos 1 laser 1kHz, >4 TW, <20fs, VIS-NIR, CEP ALPS HF PW laser ≤5Hz, >2PW, <20fs, NIR Step 3 - Laser R&D projects for elimination of technological bottlenecks ALPS Sylos 2 laser 1kHz, >20TW, 5fs, VIS-NIR, CEP ALPS HF 100 laser 100Hz, >40TW, <12fs, NIR Step 2 - Public procurement – Q Step 4 - Public procurement – Q2-Q IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY ALPS HR laser 100kHz, >1 (5mJ), <5 (7)fs, VIS-NIR, CEP ALPS MIR laser 100kHz, 0.1mJ, <6 (3)cycles, MIR Step 1 - Via R&D projects

 Development of (diode pumped) pump lasers (100 Hz, 1 kHz, 0,6 ps – 2 ps, 1J) 4 proposals DLs: 1 amp head, 1 MPX/DMPX system, plus 1J/100Hz amp unit  Nonlinear optical methods (OPCPA (stabilization, bandwidth, technology), SFG, HCF, XPW) 8 proposals DLs: TDRs.  Temporal contrast issues (OPCPA, high reprate plasma mirror, spatio-emporal focusing) 8 proposals DLs: 2 softwares, 1 Xcorr, 1 AO system LASER R&D PROJECTS Contracting: August-September Total budget: 2M€(+200k) Standard deliverable: Final Research Report Standard conditions: - joint research - on site involvement of ELI-ALPS scientist(s)

ALPS HR laser 100kHz, >1 (5mJ), <5 (7)fs, VIS-NIR, CEP ALPS MIR laser 100kHz, 0.1mJ, <2 (4)cycles, MIR RfP launched – submission deadline: 29 st September HR 1: 1mJ, <7(5)fs; Delivery: Q Contracting: November/ December HR 2: development / assembly at ELI-ALPS, together with industry and academy Final proposals received: 10 th September Winner: Fastlite Contracting: November 2014 Delivery: Q IMPLEMENTATION OF THE LASERS and final call parameters

ALPS SYLOS 1 laser 1kHz, >4.5TW, <20 fs, VIS-NIR, CEP ALPS HF PW laser ≤5Hz, >2PW, 1mJ, <10fs, CEP) Several proposals Winner: EKSLPA-Light Conversion Contracting: 13th October, 2014 Delivery: Q Several proposals Winner: Amplitude Technologies Contracting: 3rd October, 2014 Delivery: Q Installation requirement: 12h operation for 3 consecutive days Trial period: 6 months, 4 months trouble-free operation IMPLEMENTATION OF THE LASERS and final call parameters

SYLOS I Front end 800 nm Front end 800 nm Stretcher 1 μJ, 90 ps Stretcher 1 μJ, 90 ps NOPA mJ NOPA mJ NOPA 2 20 mJ NOPA 2 20 mJ Compressor 45 fs Compressor 45 fs NOPA 3 50 mJ NOPA 3 50 mJ CEP and compression loop diagnostics Power 4.5 TW Pulse duration 10 fs Rep.rate 1kHz CEP stability 250 mrad Energy stability 1.5% ASE contrast Strehl ratio 0.85 Central 800 nm Power 4.5 TW Pulse duration 10 fs Rep.rate 1kHz CEP stability 250 mrad Energy stability 1.5% ASE contrast Strehl ratio 0.85 Central 800 nm External clock EKSPLA consortium PP for SYLOS II 100 in 2015

SYLOS I Front end Yb:KGW

HF PW laser system Front end kHz 1-10 mJ 5 fs, C»10 12 Diffraction graing based stretcher ~ 3ns Diffraction graing based stretcher ~ 3ns Ti:Sa 10Hz >40J Amplitude Technologies Compressor Power 2 PW Pulse duration 17fs Rep.rate 10Hz Energy stability 1.5% ASE contrast Strehl ratio 0.9 Central 800 nm Power 2 PW Pulse duration 17fs Rep.rate 10Hz Energy stability 1.5% ASE contrast Strehl ratio 0.9 Central 800 nm PP for 500 in 2015 Seed for HF 100 Rep.rate 100Hz Pulse duration <10fs Energy1 mJ CEP250mrad Seed for HF 100 Rep.rate 100Hz Pulse duration <10fs Energy1 mJ CEP250mrad

HF PW & HF 100 Front end Yb:CaF2

FRONT END DESIGN FOR TW/PW LASERS No Kerr-lens mode-locked Ti:S oscillators are involved (in SYLOS, PW, MIR – HR is questionable) Instead: Sub-ps fiber oscillators around 1µ White light generators Self-CEP stabilisation: DFG+OPA Broadband OPAs to enhance the energy to µJ Change of Paradigm?


Gas High Harmonic Generation and Attosecond Pulses 1kHz-100kHz, 4-400eV, up to 10 µJ Solid High Harmonic Generation and Attosecond Pulses 5Hz – 1kHz, 10eV – 5keV, up to mJ Electron and Ion Acceleration (regional science) e - : 1-2GeV, 0.2nC; p + : up to 160MeV, up to 1nC THz sources 3MV/cm – 100MV/cm, up to 1mJ New Concepts for HHG and Attosecond Pulse Generation SECONDARY SOURCES

Photon sources at ELI-ALPS Were we stand  Repetition rate (few Hz-100 kHz)  XUV Intensity ( W/cm 2 )  Photon energy ( eV ) Were we go by G. Sansone

SCIENE AT ELI-ALPS Current status of visualizing structural dynamics 4D (space+time) attosecond/Å scale imaging of atoms and molecules



Building „A” (lasers + target areas): Net area m 2 Building „B” (scientific labs and machinery): Net area m 2 Building „C” (Reception, auditorium): Net area m 2 Building „D” (maintenance, storage): Net area m 2 Total – m 2INFRASTRUCTURE

STATUS OF THE BUILDING Couriosity: the very first  1.8m pile in Europe (45m deep…)