Present and This presentation is for internal use only
The international Genetically Engineered Machine competition
More than 150 universities worldwide But only one winner…
Do you have bright ideas?
Do you like synthetic biology?
Do you want to be challenged?
And do you want to be a KU Leuven ambassador?
Then join the KU Leuven iGEM team
Work hard Get funding Earn credits
And taste the iGEM spirit
Model Design Create
And prepare yourself for the European Jamboree in
Meet with other teams
Make friends
And share your experiences
Be in the top 10 and go to
The World Championship in
And who knows… You might not come home empty handed
Info sessions: October 24 th 19:00 Auditorium Jozef Heuts Landbouwinstituut October 25 th 19:00 Auditorium BMW3 GHB O&N II