CABINET MEMBERSHIP Alex Schloop ’12, President Chelsea McGowan ’12, Vice President Audrey Wojtkowski ’12, Treasurer Kaitlin Hollrah ’13, Secretary Chelsea Czechowski ’12, Community Court Chair Bryant Sanders ’12, Senior Elections Manager
SEMESTER GOALS Continue to increase the accessibility of Cabinet Make Representative Council more effective Streamline the Collegiate Committee structure Place an importance on community service
CABINET ACCESSABILITY Hosted an ice cream social with freshmen during Orientation Renovated our office to create a more welcoming atmosphere Created a Collegiate Facebook page and Twitter account (follow Hosted a meet and greet lunch in the dining hall Advertised our office location and hours more thoroughly Spread hours throughout the week
REPRESENTATIVE COUNCIL Reinstated Roberts Rules of Order Held committees accountable by having each committee present at least once Invited key campus offices to present (Buildings and Grounds, Study Abroad, etc.) Are continuing to consider ways in which we can increase non-mandatory attendance
COMMITTEE STRUCTURE Requested minutes from all committee meetings and made them accessible to students Charged the Constitutional Review Committee with examining each committee’s purpose and efficiency Established quorum and increased the number of meeting times Placed a student chair on almost every committee for a new accountability system
COMMUNITY SERVICE Sponsored 27 students to participate in a Multiple Schlerosis benefit walk Hosted faculty and staff appreciation days Running an electric candle fundraiser to benefit the King Ferry food pantry Adopted a manatee on behalf of the Association. Her name is Elise and she resides in the Florida Keys with her three calves.
FEEDBACK Cabinet will be sending out a survey for students to evaluate our performance this semester. We’ll use that feedback to see what we should keep doing and what we can do better.
SEE YOU AT Spring Convocation 2012: To Have and to Share MONDAY, JANUARY 23 AT 4:45 PM PHIPPS AUDITORIUM