Merit Increase Pay Guidelines
Welcome Introduction What is the Merit Increase Pay System Purpose of the Merit Increase pay System Performance Form New Form
Welcome Performance Evaluation Duty Area Standards Results Comments Scoring Frequently Asked Questions Other OHR Issues
Merit Increase Pay System Act 289 of 2007 & the Office of Personnel Management developed this system to reward employees Purpose is to reward Individual Employee Performance Replaces the CLIP program Salary Increase not a Bonus All Classified Employee must have a review
Merit Increase Pay System Eligibility Must have continuous state employment in a classified regular position for 12 months – excludes temporary status The 12 months can be a combination of UAMS and another state agency or institution
Merit Increase Pay System October 1, 2007 will be the date used in determining the performance evaluation and merit increase cycle So any classified regular employee who was hired on October 1, 2006 or before will receive a merit increase These same employee’s review dates will change to October 1 and remain that date for future reviews and increases
Merit Increase Pay System Employees hired on or after October 2, 2006 will keep their date of hire as their review and merit increase date OHR will be creating a new indicator to help track this on the 0041 Date Specifications; however, departments must continue to use the Date Monitoring screen to track Annual Reviews
Merit Increase Pay System If you have already evaluated the employee for Fiscal Year 2007 (for example CLIP) – you do not have to evaluate the employee again If you have not evaluated the employee –an evaluation must be completed by September 1, 2007
Merit Increase Pay System Why September 1? On all reviews, a 30-day appeal period must be offered For future reviews if the review date is April 4, the review must be given to the employee by March 4. Likewise all Oct 1 reviews will need to be given by Sept 1
Merit Increase Pay System For Example: Employee with 12 months or more on 10/1/07 Hire Date: 3/24/03 Review Given to employee by: 9/1/07 FY 2008 Review/Merit Increase Date: 10/1/07 Review Given to employee by: 9/1/08 FY 2009 Review/Merit Increase Date: 10/1/08
Merit Increase Pay System For Example: Employee with less than12 months on 10/1/07 Hire Date: 12/15/06 Review Given to employee by: 11/15/07 FY 2008 Review/Merit Increase Date: 12/15/07 Review Given to employee by: 11/15/08 FY 2009 Review/Merit Increase Date: 12/15/08
Merit Increase Pay System Rehires similar to the employees with less than 12 months For Example: Hire Date: 3/24/07 Review Given to employee by: 2/24/08 FY 2008 Review/Merit Increase Date: 3/24/08 Review Given to employee by: 2/24/09 FY 2009 Review/Merit Increase Date: 3/24/09
Merit Increase Pay System For Transfers, Promotions and Demotions within the Classified area - currently has no changes to their dates Starting in July 1, 2008 a six month delay will be put in place for the first year. We will discuss this change - this time next year.
Merit Increase Pay System Employees on extended leave such as military leave, extended military leave, catastrophic leave, or leave without pay must have accumulated six months of actual work experience in order to be eligible If the six months is after the review date – use the extension date for current year, then the employee review and merit date will revert back to October 1 st or the latest hire date, whichever is applicable.
Merit Increase Pay System For Example: Hire Date: 3/24/03 Placed on Cat Leave: 2/1/07 Returns from LOA: 8/1/07 Since 10/1/06 has worked in the month of Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan, Aug, Sept Review Given to employee by: 10/1/07 FY 2008 Review/Merit Increase Date: 11/1/07 Review Given to employee by: 9/1/08 FY 2009 Review/Merit Increase Date: 10/1/08
Merit Increase Pay System Merit Increase will be added to the employee’s base salary If the merit increase amount exceeds the LIM The merit increase or the portion that it exceeds the LIM will be paid in a lump sum on the employees next check
Merit Increase Pay System Merit Increase Matrix Performance Evaluation Rating Merit Increase % Exceeds Standards 4.50% Above Average3.00% Satisfactory1.50% Unsatisfactory0.00%
Performance Form New Form Currently on the OHR website If you already have a an evaluation in place for your particular area - use this form as a an overview, summary or roll-up
Performance Form Part 1 Employee Information Employee Name SAP Number
Performance Form Part 1 Employee Information Position Title & Number Department Name
Performance Form Part 1 Employee Information Rating Period From & To dates that you are review this employee for (last 12 months)
Performance Form Part 2 Supervisor’s Information Supervisor’s Name Phone Number Position Title
Performance Form Part 3 Performance Standards
Performance Evaluation Part 3 Performance Standards Duty Area – A collection of tasks that together form an essential element of the job List Job Duties Group the common duties Develop a overall name for the common duties
Performance Evaluation Part 3 Performance Standards Example TitleCommon Job Duties Duty Area Administrative Assistant I Complies financial information Enters expenditures Monitors expenditure Budgetary Responsibilities
Performance Evaluation Part 3 Performance Standards Standard – A statement used to measure employee performance It may be a quantity or quality of output produced, a model of operation or a degree of progress toward a goal Develop criterion to measure employee performance Include what is to be done Include level of performance employee is expected to achieve
Performance Evaluation Part 3 Performance Standards Example TitleDuty AreaStandard Administrative Assistant I Budgetary Responsibilities Complete monthly reports with no more than five errors per report due by monthly deadlines Enter in expense within 3 working days
Performance Evaluation Part 3 Performance Standards Results – The outcome of the performance based on the standard of the job Example: Ms. Smith has completed monthly reports and filling within established timeframes with less than five errors. She has satisfactorily met this standard.
Performance Evaluation Part 3 Performance Standards Comments – concerning the result of a specific standard or expectation Employee Supervisor Example: Ms. Smith could benefit more in her financial reporting skills by attending an advanced training for SAP reporting.
Performance Evaluation Once the Evaluation is completed Enter the information into SAP using the 90-Day Eval-Annual Eval transition You can also use the F9 note to “Insert” the review for future reference Enter the Salary increase Send form to OHR-Records to be placed into the employee’s permanent records
Scoring The overall rating category is determined at the discretion of the department Based on the relative importance of each standard Employees with Any Written Disciplinary Action in the last 12 months will not be eligible for an increase An unsatisfactory rating in any standard can not receive an Exceeds Standard or Above Average overall rating
Scoring Overall RatingEmployee AEmployee BEmployee CEmployee D Exceeds Standards 3230 Above Average 0100 Satisfactory 1101 Unsatisfactory 0012 Overall RatingExceeds Standard Above AverageSatisfactoryUnsatisfactory
Frequently Asked Questions Who is responsible for entering the Merit Increase? The department using the following SAP PA40 transactions 90-Day Eval - Annual Eval Salary Increase Remember the F9 note
Frequently Asked Questions Are the award percentages at the discretion of the agency? No The Merit Increase pay percentages can not be changed
Frequently Asked Questions What date do I used as the effect date in SAP The first full payroll period after the review date
Other OHR Issues Applicants & Interviews ZHRAPP ZHRPAR ZHRHIRE Posting a Position – Minimum Requirements Delimiting Vacancy Assignments
Other OHR Issues Applicants & Interviews Please remember that you MUST enter into SAP who you have interviewed Using PB30 Select the Vacancy Assignment Select the Position number Click on the Pencil to change Change the To date to the date of the interview Change the Vac Assign Stat to 4 - Rejected Change the Status Reason to 31 – Interviewed Not Selected
Other OHR Issues Applicants & Interviews
Other OHR Issues Posting a Position – Minimum Requirements New Options Use of Experience with Education OR just Education Use of Yes or No for Skills/Qualifications OR Years of Experience for the Skills/Qualifications Work with a recruiter for you best options if you have any questions
Other OHR Issues Delimiting Vacancy Assignments Once a Post is closed and a person has been requested to be hired RCC will Delimit all other applicants that have not been changed by the department as previously discussed
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