Common Core 3.0 Update Project Overview and Status Timeline for Completion Evaluation.


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Presentation transcript:

Common Core 3.0 Update Project Overview and Status Timeline for Completion Evaluation

Why Revise Core? Improved flexibility Improved learning experience Better use of technology Reflecting shift to emerging practice model

Revision Process Meetings – August 2012 – October 2012 – January 2013 – June 2013 Participants – RTAs – CWDA – CDSS – County Staff Development – CalSWEC

Revision Concepts Stakeholder driven Improved learning experience Supports shift to integrate current practices Better use of technology Improved flexibility

Goals of the Revision Streamlining content in Common Core Identifying alternative modalities for delivery of material Sharpening the focus of Common Core to build key skills that are critical to practice. Identifying areas of the Core that would best be reinforced with on-the-job training and/or coaching

Goals of the Revision Aligning Core to practice, including: – Supporting implementation of a practice model – Sequencing of topics – Grouping content into areas of practice Making the curriculum revision process more responsive to practice changes. Identifying methods to support the key knowledge and skills in the Common Core for existing staff and other audiences.

Principles of the Revision Support evidence-based practice Reflect the knowledge and skills needed for beginning social workers. Use the modality that most efficiently conveys the information and allows application to practice.

Principles of the Revision Ensure all training is accessible to all newly hired social workers in the state Provide content that is appropriate for all counties Satisfy the federal requirements as outlined in the CFSR and the Program Improvement Plans completed by California in 2004 and 2009.

CC 3.0 Content – Content identification process – Content development process – Content overview




Service Planning

Monitoring and Adapting


Timeline for Content Development

Timeline for Pilots and Revision

Training Evaluation Update CCv3.0: Key Points for evaluation While CCv3.0 is being developed… A CCv3.0 evaluation proposal: Evaluation Portfolio Once CCv3.0 revision plan is finalized… Next Macro Eval Meeting & Webinar

 The Common Core 3.0 workgroup has identified some key points for evaluation: Knowledge tests will continue for select areas The primary focus will be on collecting data to evaluate acquisition of key skills The group identified a key skill to begin evaluating (developing strength-based, achievable case plan activities grounded in assessment of strengths and needs), but stakeholders identified a different priority (critical thinking and assessment) CCv3.0: Key Points for Evaluation

Continue to administer: – Demographic forms (Line and Supes) – CYD knowledge test (pre post) – PP knowledge test (pre post) – CMI1 embedded eval – CMI2 embedded eval – Casework Supervision embedded eval Supervisor Core (Casework Supervision embedded eval): in process of scoring practice round of tests While CCv3.0 is being developed…

Where we want to go: – Regions want to provide valuable info to their counties; counties want to use the info to prove their CWWs are getting effective training. Goal: – Move into eval of Transfer of Learning (TOL) – how learning is applied in the field. Macro Eval Team initially requested TOL eval of writing Case Plan objectives; then CCv3.0 stakeholders requested TOL eval of Safety & Risk Assessments (linked to Case Plans). 22 CCV3.0: TOL is where we want to Go

Possible combination that meets county needs, looks at TOL Eval, and can link training to supervision: an Evaluation Portfolio. Portfolio consists of 3 mtgs w/ Supes/Coaches/ Mentors: – 1 st mtg – Prep trainees for Core learning and eval – 2 nd mtg – Check in re: training & test results thus far, and prep for field-based/TOL activities & eval (& link to supervision) – 3 rd mtg – Check in re: training & test results overall, ID further needs & supports (& again link to supervision) 23 Proposal for Training Evaluation in CCv3.0: Evaluation Portfolio

Prep for learning Checkpoint #1 Assess status of training & eval Prep for FBT & TOL Eval Checkpoint #2 Assess status of training & eval ID further needs and supports Checkpoint #3 24 Evaluation Portfolio: Process Map Some time during Core training (in class, online & in the field), Supe/Coach/Mentor meets with trainees to… *Note: We will need to prepare people to be field advisors/coaches.

Evaluation Portfolio Recommendations (from June 2013 CCv3.0 mtg) Clarify the purpose of training evaluation of TOL Clarify the purpose of three meetings/checkpoints Avoid use of individual raw scores and other numeric test data Use of evaluation during E-learning modules Identify first the skills that are considered the most essential Focus on skill development in the evaluation portfolio Link to supervisor & unit Ideal timing of 3 checkpoints Vetting

Work together to develop TOL evaluation plan (part of agenda for 11/7/13 Macro Eval Team mtg), Develop formative (course level) assessment forms for each module as they’re being prepared for piloting Develop and pilot next generation of testing materials on a rolling basis Once CCv3.0 revision plan finalized:

Supe Core (Emb Eval) Scoring Webinar: Weds, 9/11/13, 1-3pm Pacific Macro Eval Webinar: Friday, 11/1/13, 1-3pm Pacific (demographics and test results) Macro Eval Meeting: Thursday, 11/7/13, 10am-3pm in Sacramento (possible edits to strategic plan based on finalization of CCv3.0 revision plan, including TOL evaluation design, test results, etc.) Next Macro Eval Mtgs/Webinars:

CC 3.0 Next Steps – LO development – CDOG review of LOs – Stakeholder review of LOs