March 5, 2014
Conference Attendance 1,114 people registered to attended; 1063 attended RegionRegisteredPaid*No-Show Total Attendance CDE CCSESA22 2 Breakout Session Presenters Vendors77 7 Total Registered/Paid
Session Attendance Susan Pimentel105ELA/ELD100 Sandra Alberti188Hack Your PD156 Sigman/Alpert126Tech Tools76 Bob Marzano210CTE CCSS50 Sue Gendron100CDE NGSS57 Jason Zimba154CDE/ELA52 Mike Mattos236CDE/ELD58 Anthony Muhammad208CDE/Math48 Jeff Duncan Andrade114CISC LCAP150 Carol Jago90Instructional Rounds60 Dean Fixsen102Workshop Range30-50
Sponsor Update Paid Invoiced Scholastic - - Big Ideas $ 5, PCOE Sponsor $ 3, Key Data Systems $ 3, Anything Ed $ 3, Chevron $ 15, HM, Harcourt $ 3, SpringBoard $ 3, CPM $ 5, CMAT $ 1, Region 6 $ 5, TPS Publishing $ Grand Canyon University$ 3, McGraw Hill$ 5, Walch Education$ 3, Microsoft$ 5, Corwin$ 4, Reasoning Mind $ 3, $ 68, $ 3, $ 71,000.00
What worked well… Work groups assigned responsibilities Pre-conference Registration—alpha, multiple times, use of counters Sponsors earned $71,000 and increased the speaker budget from $50K to $94,694 Conference calls with each speaker, conference strands tied together Call for presenters process for workshops Partnership with CDE Liaisons assigned to each presenter Sponsor reception Program and signage
Suggestions for future Key roles to fill– coordination, website design, program/registration, sponsors Technology support saved $$ - logistics in So Cal? Host breakfast in vendor area, similar set up to reception No vendors on third day – not worth additional day