CESM WG co-chair meeting March 4 2014. Recent WG co-chair changes Paleo  Charles Jackson (U. Texas) in replacement of F. Joos Polar  Nicole Jeffery.


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Presentation transcript:

CESM WG co-chair meeting March

Recent WG co-chair changes Paleo  Charles Jackson (U. Texas) in replacement of F. Joos Polar  Nicole Jeffery (LANL) in replacement of E. Hunke Chemistry-Climate  Louisa Emmons (NCAR) in replacement of me

Announcements/Updates CSL Usage: Development: 71%/120% for 30/90 day (150%/133% cut off) Production: 172%/179% for 30/90 day (220%/190% cut off) Other updates/announcements? LMWG/BGCWG/SDWG meeting updates Glade usage: /glade/p/cesm TB ( TB) % /glade/p/cesm TB ( TB) % Release updates?

CLM Development Timelines: The path towards CLM5/CESM2 1/2014 1/2015 CAM5+ 6/2016 CESM2 Hydro: New soil evap, BTRAN, can turb parameterization test/eval CLM(ED) v0 to trunk Biogeohys Biogeochem CAM5-CLM4.5BGC eval/tuning CLM5 model in CESM2(CAM5+) for CMIP6 CLM5 BGC eval/tune (fire, CH 4, flood, dust, ???) Soil vert res incr? 6/2015 CESM1.3 6/2014 1/2016 Coupled model / capabilities Dynamic landunits Fully coupled BGC eval/tune of CLM5 and/or CAM5+ CLM(ED) v1/2 w/ harvest, soil bgc, N? MOSART decision/ implementation Benchmark system Anom forcing, CO 2 datm Restart regrid online Hydro refact Interann LAI SP N-comp refact Snow: veg interact, vert abs N-comp test/eval 18 0, reactive trans DGVM(or ED)/crop DynLand test Stress-decid phenology CLM5 control sims (BGC-crop, SP, ED?) Urban update Global crops, manure, fert CLM5(ED) ready for coupled sims 1/2017? RTM Flood/wetlnd full implement

Dynamic Landunits: Current Status Glacier Area Natural Veg. Area Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5 % of grid cell Fast deglaciation experiment: 100% to 0% in 5 years Albedo (fraction) No-snow Albedo

BGC Updates from OMWG Meeting Joint efforts between OMWG & BGCWG to resolve issues w/ Southern Ocean ventilation Enhanced isopycnal mixing improves OMZ biases, and improves CFCs. Anistropic GM could help and seems appropriate. Fast BGC spinup working for 14C, still in progress for full ecosystem model Work on including impact of ocean acidification on BGC processes is progressing

Intended for CESM 2.0, timelines TBD

potential for CESM 2.0, timelines TBD

BGC Developments for CESM2 All developers that have been queried think their update can be ready in time (early 2015) Merging and testing all intended code might be infeasible Coupling BGC to AtmChem is priority of SSC, but no one is doing the work Coupling land and ocean BGC via rivers is frequently requested, but no one is doing the work

SDWG update CESM-IAM linkage code: iESM proceeding but no hard timeline; THESIS project under way Plan session at Breckenridge on CMIP6 (follow up to last year’s session), particularly on ScenarioMIP, LUMIP (and AerChemMIP?) Needs/wish list for CESM developments, outputs, diagnostics, etc. to be formally communicated to other WGs Re-orientation of WG agreed to (see following slides)

Proposal #1: SDWG focus Adopt broader focus: Improve the use of CESM, other ESMs, or their emulators in research on mitigation, adaptation, and impacts Rather than: “a focus on interactions between CESM and two research and user communities: integrated assessment modeling and water management”

Proposal #2: Functions Identify, and communicate to other WGs, needs for CESM from IAM/IAV perspective model simulationsoutput variables model improvementsdownscaling, bias correction model diagnosticsmodel emulation Produce prioritized list of CESM simulations, and carry them out with SDWG allocation (next proposal: August) CESM linkages to human systems Gatekeeper for CESM linkage code Repository of/guide to human system variables that appear in CESM

Proposal #3: Meeting format/content Talks Submitted abstracts on any human dimensions work relevant to WG functions Reports on ongoing projects of broader relevance to group (iESM, THESIS, Water diagnostics EaSM, etc.) Reports on other projects that could benefit from SDWG involvement or that could inform WG functions (CIRA, LAMP, BRACE, LUC4C, etc.) Discussions Needs for CESM simulations, developments, diagnostics, etc. Contributions to other projects Input to community processes (CMIP, other MIPs, IAMC, …?)