AHEAD Board Members Jean Ashmore - President Scott Bay – Director at Large May 2011
Session Overview Major Issues Facing Disability Resources/Services DR/S’s Dozen Challenges/Opportunities Some very specific Some more philosophical AHEAD’s perspectives, responses & resources Discussion
#1 – DS Program Accountability Programs need to justify themselves, not just stand on “the laws dictate…” AHEAD’s responses & resources AHEAD reps affiliated with Council for Advancement of Standards – new DS standards upcoming Current approach – “Accredit/eval” a DS program rather than a disability service professional due to varied backgrounds, duties, DS resource/service models New Program Evaluation Process
Program Assessment - AHEAD AHEAD’s new Program Evaluation Process Based on Professional Standards and Performance Indicators – major input from Funckes & Goodin On-line assessment components In-depth Self-Study Questionnaire by DS Director/Staff Three constituency feedback surveys Final Self-Study Report done by DS Administrator from data summaries provided by AHEAD Intro cost $395 for members On-site Program Review – an option in follow-up to on- line
#2 – Unique Pops – e.g. SWID Students with Intellectual Disabilities – new, expanding and vexing focus in higher ed Sessions here – Edgewood College, Waisman Ctr AHEAD’s responses & resources Active partnership with Think College White Paper on this topic due out summer 2011 Task Force being established for in-depth attention to this critical area AHEAD’s main goal - Promote DS knowledge for informed campus engagement on this topic
e.g. Veterans Returning warriors from wars highlight many needs in higher education & employment AHEAD’s responses & resources Invited into national conversations Presentations, trainings, publications on veterans with disabilities and PSE Veterans SIG recently established AHEAD Board Member Mary Lee Vance has taken significant lead on these issues, presented at NACADA, published, often with Paul Grossman
# 3 – Alt Formats Accessible instructional materials – here & everywhere AHEAD’s responses & resources Active contributor to HEOA language AIM Commission – chaired by AHEAD member with Executive Director on Commission Leadership from AHEAD E-Text/IMAG Group led to much of this current work Advisory role with Access Text Network Seattle AIM Commission meeting at AHEAD conference –public comment session - PLAN TO PARTICIPATE
#4 – Accessible Technology Kindle, Google Apps, etc. – good sessions here AHEAD’s responses & resources Disseminate information – Public Policy group Equity & Information Technology paper due out Summer 2011 – will Educate members on eval, use, acquisition, laws Give tools for campus discussions on these issues Suggest best practices, model policies on Electronic and Information Technology for college campuses
#5 – International Engagement Growing population of disabled students from other countries coming to US Global attention to rights of PWD from United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities AHEAD’s responses & resources BOD voted to join other disability organizations in supporting US ratification of CRPD International portal on AHEAD website Expanded 2011 conference activities for international attendees & increased international conference focus Partnering with MIUSA - on NCDE advisory committee
#6 - High Stakes Testing Increasing spotlights on agencies, practices for testing and even state certification AHEAD’s responses & resources OMB Task Force – recent input by AHEAD members on issues faced by SWD on GRE, MCAT, LSAT, etc. Extensive and frequent dissemination of information through AHEAD members listserv Public Policy Standing Committee – new group for greater focus
#7 – BIG D - Documentation What constitutes “reasonable documentation” these days??? AHEAD’s responses & resources Mainly trainings right now following new regs Reframe focus – from disability itself to functional impacts and need for accommodations NJCLD - AHEAD reps active with regular input Unresolved issues – RTI & SOP
#8 – Transition/Employment Federal government increasing attention to transition and employment of PWD, especially post college AHEAD’s responses & resources Partnering with DOL and others Resources for Parents now at AHEAD website Ally to Career Opportunities for Students with Disabilities – COSD, internship programs, etc. State affiliate groups very active locally on transition teams, educating K-12 folks on PSE
Abstract Challenges Philosophical in nature Reflect differing perspectives Look at purpose
#9 – Re-focusing our Lenses DS perspectives on disability itself Disability within diversity concept AHEAD’s responses & resources Shift from “service” model of DS to “resource” model” – seen in trainings, conference sessions Specific strategies to increase diversity within AHEAD membership, board and trainings Standing Committees – multiple lenses will be integral Special issues of JPED – UD, Veterans, Accessible Design
#10 – Organizational Reach DR/S reach within an institution is ever-evolving and essential to flourish AHEAD’s reach to do more within the association and within the greater disability community AHEAD’s responses & resources Restructure approach – Standing Committees Teaming for shared responsibilities/goals Active engagement in national conversations Increased partner relationships being built with intention
#11 – Doing More With Less True for DR/S offices as well as AHEAD and its Affiliates AHEAD’s responses and resources Be current - Trainings that are timely and reasonably priced e.g. – Title I training on EEOC regs coming up on May 24 th – only $59 for members, great way to bring in HR, ADA Coordinator, etc. Be relevant – Topic-specific training that is member organized e.g. – Community College SIG webinars on comm college topics Be value added – e.g. Legal database – great resource for members, way to draw in General Counsel folks to your cause and resources Build Membership for sustainable organization – intentional campaigns to review underrepresented constituency groups for expanded outreach and focus
#12 – Advocacy – how, where Defining our role? As DR/S professionals and as a professional association – are we really advocates, how should we “advocate”?? AHEAD’s responses & resources Decisions on advocating case-by-case such as RRC, NFB, HEOA, various amicus brief opportunities Evolving perspectives on program and professional roles and standards to review DR/S roles on this question Heck yes, we all advocate in a wide variety of ways all the time!
Wrap Up Questions? Thank you, thank you! Jean Ashmore, Scott Bay,