●Please sign in ●Take one of each of the handouts ●Make a name card with the card stock ●No need to turn your computers on yet! Welcome
Third grade Diving a little deeper Colleen Westfall Staff Development Specialist Common Core TK-6 Math Continuing our work to prepare students for college and careers
Long-Term Objectives Implement Common Core State Standards ● Develop “Standards Fluency” ● Build content knowledge for depth of instruction ● Build pedagogical knowledge for depth of instruction ● Have resources for standards implementation ● Standards for Mathematical Practice are evident in classrooms
Today’s Objectives ● Participants will develop fluency with the domain of NF (Number and Operations - Fractions). ● Participants will experience tasks and strategies to further background and content knowledge in the area of fractions.
Today’s Essential Understanding A fraction is a number formed when an object is partitioned into a number of equal parts. Planning time Content StandardsPractice Standards Pedagogy Rich math task Number Talks/Centers Tasks ResourcesHaiku: Your Friend Professional Background Knowledge
Review of norms... and remember to have fun!
The importance of sound mathematical knowledge... ● US students from the class of 2011 ranked 32nd compared with other nations taking the PISA. ●22 nations significantly outperformed the US. ●30 years ago, approximately 40% of the world’s scientists and engineers resided in the US. That number has shrunk to 15%. * ●For our country to compete globally in this increasingly technical world, we need more citizens in STEM fields.
The importance of sound knowledge of fractions... “Mastery of fractions and early division is a predictor of students’ later success with algebra and higher-level mathematics,” based on a study of researchers from Carnegie Mellon University.
And now the good news! ● Through the focus, coherence, and rigor built into the CCSS, “...the new standards do a much better job of putting fractions into context, which will help students make connections across other math concepts.” “Approach to Fractions Seen as Key Shift in Common Standards” Education Week
Number Talks
A different approach to math discussion.
A Closer Look at the SMPs
Building our background knowledge Look at the following fractions. How would you order them from least to greatest? Justify your thinking using a visual model.
More background knowledge... Now look at the following fractions. How would you order them from least to greatest? Justify your thinking using a visual model.
Comparing and ordering by using fractional understanding... Use the knowledge we’ve already developed to compare and order the following fractions. Use a visual model to support your thinking.
Fraction problem solving task Gabriella has many different hair ribbons. The ribbons are in the lengths below (as fractions of yards). She wants to organize them from the shortest to the longest ribbon. Please help Gabriella organize her ribbons. Use tools such as visual models, number lines, or another method you choose.
What might this task look like in third grade?
Comparing fractions using a number line, third grade
Using number lines...
Introducing Fraction Concepts - critical area for third grade
The importance of the unit
Continuing to build standards fluency ● Read the NF information in the planning handout (standards, framework, and progressions) ●Highlight key words, phrases ●What are the standards asking students to do? ●What skills will students need to access these standards?
Learning Stations ● There are a variety of learning stations/centers activities around the room. ● These are grouped by fraction concept/skill. ● Please move around the room and take some time to complete the tasks, looking at them with a critical eye to your standards.
Structured Planning ● Use the planning document ●Look at your topics from enVision with a critical eye ●Look at the centers activities and other resources as you plan
Wrap up/Eval ● Please complete the eval on Haiku. o K-6 Mathematics o CCSS Training Sessions o CCSS 2014 PD Trimester 2 ● Please leave any questions on the Parking Lot or me.